Falconer, Abraham, 45, 190,
Fall, Anthony, 158.
Fame, see Vessels.
Farding, Aaron, n.
Farer, Emanuel, 448.
Faris, William, 520.
Farmer, John, 267.
Farmers, 221.
Farms and Plantations, protec-
tion of, 313, 322.
Farrell, Thomas, 385.
Farris, William, 474, 487.
Farthing, Aaron, 139.
Fassitt, John, Jr., 542.
Fatigue parties, 14, 23.
Faulkner, Isaac, 67, 194.
Fauntleroy, Griffin, 312.
Favorite, see Vessels.
Faw, Abraham, 291.
Fearnought, see Vessels.
Febus, George, n.
Feighter, George, 86.
Fendall, Benjamin, 153, 471,
531; Benjamin, Sr., 287.
Fenwick, Ignatius, 44, 45, 101,
162, 166, 223, 325, 371, 405,
Soi, 503; John, 198, 221;
Richard, 221.
Ferguson, John, 101; Thomas,
Fever, see Diseases.
Fickle, Capt., 385; Lieut., 387,
388; Benjamin, 119; Isaac,
Field Officers, 38.
Field Pieces, 220, 365.
Field, Robert, 541.
Fields, Charles, n.
Fiere facias, 465.
Fifes, 290.
Finances, superintendent ot,
2off., 23, 24, 26, 315, 407, 416;
see also Morris, Robert.
Financier, 319; notes and cer-
tificates, 460.
Financier, see Vessels.
Finch, George, n, 104.
Findleston, George, 66.
Findley, Ebenezer, 94, 104.
Fines, 465; remission of, 3, 307,
Finney, Manasset, 465.
Fish and fishing, 511.
Fisher (Fischer), Mrs., 468;
Adam, 288; John, 45, 341, 516,
Fishermen, 511.
Pitcher, Benjamin, 10.
Fitzgerald (Fitzgerrald), Ben-
jamin, 87; Clement, 87; John,
7, 144; Nicholas, 189.
Fitzhugh, Peregrine, 172; Wil-
liam, 29, 44, 171, 172, 273.
Fitzjeffrey, Richard, 201.
Flags, 253, 262, 292, 293, 294,
327, 347, 374, 386, 447; flag
of truce, 93, 94, 372, 374, 377,
Flannagan, Dennis, 96, 102;
Henry, 9, 10.
Flax, 466.
Fleck, Lucas, 34, 139.
Fleet, 113, 267.
Flemming, Richard, 127; Sam-
uel, 172.
Flesh provisions, see Beef.
Fletcher, Benjamin, 158; Mar-
tin, 342.
Flint River, 511.
Flints, 365.
Floating house, 210.
Florida, East, 511.
Flour, 2, 3, 9, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26,
28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36,
38, 40, 47, 48, 5i, 55, 56, 57,
61, 62, 74, 75, 81, 102, 105,
107, no, 129, 191, 219, 221,
222, 234, 235, 242, 243, 246,
253, 256, 257, 259, 260, 267,
272, 277, 289, 317, 327, 331,
347, 35i, 358, 372, 374, 381,
385, 387, 401, 438, 453; bar-
rels, 225.
Flower, Moses, 222.
Flying Camp, 21, 59, 504.
Fogget, Richard, 76.
Fogle, Andrew, 98.
Folger, Capt., 89.
Forage, 13, 18, 116, 125, 187,
2<6. 26<. 266. 274. 340. 346.
366; master, 364; tax on, 371.
Forbes, James, 334; John, 82,
Ford, Athanasius, 127, 338, 239 ;
Horatio, 536; Joseph, 18, 29,
41, 81, 85, 89, 162, 189;
Philip, 324; William, Jr., 246.
Foreign Affairs, secretary of,
195, 198, 330, 335, 407.
Foreign commerce, 212.
Foreign ships, see Vessels.
Foreigners, 84.
Foreman, —— , 105; Ezekiel,
53i, 532; Joseph, 341;
Thomas M., 341; Thomas
Marsh, 316, 527.
Fornication, 283.
Forrest, —— , 326, 34o; Col.,
106, 193, 310, 313; Uriah, 25,
49, 57, 58, 65, 106, 107, 162,
193, 217, 230, 265; Zachariah,
Forrest & Co., Messrs., 346.
Forry, Rachel, 366.
Forster, Ralph, 445.
Forster' s House, 178.
Fortifications for Cannon &
Stores, 233.
Forts, Frederick, 167; Pitt, 19.
Foster, Joseph, 52, 116; Nathan,
10, 194-
Fourth District, 170, 337, 339.
Fout, Baiter, 53; Michael, 175.
Fowler, John, 277; Jubb (Jub),
25, 48, 68, 71, 102, 222, 254,
267, 276, 289, 305, 317, 345,
390, 403, 425, 445, 474, 479,
485, 550.
Fox, Jeremiah, 54.
Foxwell, Adam, 10, 130.
Frampton, William, 414.
France, no, 322, 336, 407, 430,
509; see also French.
Franklin, Benjamin, 510, 513;
James, 549; John, 139, 154;
Priscilla, 390.
Frauds in Commerce, Act to
prevent, 339.
Frazer, Samuel, 67; Thomas,
Frazier, Capt., 220, 226, 316,
328, 334, 388, 389; Alexan-
der, 234; Henry, 169; Joshua,
489; Richard, 198; Solomon,
384, 387, 391, 392, 395; Wil-
liam, 45, 223, 341, 371, 503.
Frazier's barges, 365, 388, 389.
Fream, William, 18, 129.
Frederick County, 2, 5, 7, 10,
n, 12, 1 8, 23, 33, 35, 45, 54,
73, 78, 102, 119, 163, 165,
176, 203, 211, 221, 235, 236,
237, 248, 263, 268, 269, 282,
288, 291, 296, 297, 307, 311,
313, 342, 344, 381, 382, 412,
413, 443, 448, 469, 473, 474,
495, 503, 538.
Frederick Town, 5, 6, 12, 14,
1 6, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36,
38. <;;. 61. 72. 73. 08. loi,
103, IIO, 117, 121, 122, 130,
132, 138, 140, l8l, 202, 215,
237, 240, 247, 249, 283, 296,
297, 326, 334, 335, 350, 357,
360, 363, 381, 382, 396, 403,
447, 448, 456, 463, 492; see
also Militia.
Freeland, Frisby, 300; Pere-
grine, 499.
Freemason, see Vessels.
Freighter, George, 219.
French: Agents, 149, 283.
Army officers, accommoda-
tions for, 218. Consuls, 250;
Consul General, xi, 238, 422,
501. Fleet and troops, 49, 106,
107, 164, 218, 219, 231, 232,
252, 259, 271, 328, 331, 336,
360, 373, 376, 430; commo-
dore, 376; in Chesapeake Bay,
226; 'physician to army, 159 ;
quarters, ix, 217, 218, 256, 259,
264, 287. Imports, 460. King,
251, 400. Marine agent, 105.
Minister, 330, 332. Subjects,
423. Vessels, 148, 238. See
also France.
Friend, James, 12.
Friendship, see Vessels.
Fry, Daniel, 291.
Fugitive criminal, 55 1 ff.
Fulford, Mrs., 379; Mary, 347.
Fulton (Fullton), James B.,
109; James p., 10; Robert,
Fund tax, see Taxes.
Fundy, Bay of, 511.
Funk, Henry, 34.