That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Bryan nine pounds, fifteen
shillings and eight pence specie agreeably to the Act aforesaid per
Acct passed 27 June last
That the said Treasurer pay to James Murray Esqr Sixty three
pounds, one shilling and four pence specie agreeably to the Act afore-
said per Acel passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Shaw Armourer Ninety
Pounds Current Money for six Months Salary ending the 11th
August last per Account passed by the Auditor General. —
That the said Treasurer issue a Certificate to Charles Wallace Esqr
agreeably to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State, Credi-
tors of Congress &ca " for Two thousand, four hundred and seven
pounds, five shillings and four pence due on Continental Loan Office
Certificates adjusted by the Depy Audr the 25th Septr last
October 11
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 447
[Wm Paca in Council to Majr Henry Hardman.]
We are informed by Captn Magruder of the Guard over the
Magazine at Frederick Town, that the greater Part of the Men under
his Command are discharged, having served the Time for which
they were enlisted. Thinking it necessary still to keep a Guard there,
we request you will furnish Men for that Purpose from the Corps
under your Command. We presume that Men from the Corps of
Invalids may be ordered on this Duty. —
October 11
Liber No. 78
p. 453
Tuesday 14th October 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honorable Gabriel Duvall & James Brice Esquires
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Nathan Ham-
mond Six pounds Current Money for one Year's Interest on a Cer-
tificate issued under the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this
State " dated 24th August 1781.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Howard Three pounds,
seven shillings and seven pence three farthings Current Money for
one Year's Interest on a Certificate issued 23d August 1782 with
Interest from the 15 August 1782
That the said Treasurer pay to the Honorable Robert Hanson
Harrison Esquire Two hundred pounds Current Money for Six
Months Salary as Chief Judge of the General Court due him the
1st of August last
That the said Treasurer pay to the Honble Robert H Harrison
Esqr Three pounds, fifteen shillings Current Money for the use of
Francis Adams due him on Account passed by the Audr General
October 14
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 447