[Wm Paca in Council Annapolis to The Honble Thomas Sim Lee
Daniel Carroll Esquires]
We have the honor to transmit to you Copies of a Letter and Reso-
lution received this Day from the President of Congress, pressing
the immediate representation of this State.
We have the honor &ca
July n
Liber No. 78
p. 446
Monday 14th July 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
The Honorable Gabl Duvall, Jer T. Chase, Jas Brice & John H
Stone Esqrs
A Petition from David Whiting of Caroline County was laid
before the Board setting forth that at an adjourned Court held for
Caroline County on the 18th Day of February 1782 he applied to the
said Court for Licence to keep Ordinary in said Court, and obtained
Licence to keep One until the June Court then next ensuing: that
being ignorant of the Laws of the State, having lived all his Time in
Delaware his Wife in his absence, and he thro' Ignorance and Inat-
tention thinking his Licence authorized him to keep Ordinary for one
Year, sold Liquor for a short time after the Expiration of his
Licence until he was informed of his Error when he desisted; being
desirous to conform to the Laws of the Country he lived in; that at
the October Court following in the Year aforesaid five presentments
were found against him for selling Liquor without Licence; & there-
fore praying Relief; and the Justices of Caroline County Court
having submitted to the Oath of the Allegations in the said Petition.
The Council taking the same into Consideration are of Opinion
that the fines incurred by the said David Whiting on the Present-
ments before mentioned ought to be remitted & do accordingly Order
a Remission [of] the same.
July 14
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 432
Wednesday 16th July 1783
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honorable Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice and John H.
Stone Esquires.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Pursel
Twenty pounds, two shillings and One penny Specie agreeably to the
"Act to adjust the Debts due from this State " per Certificates ad-
justed and passed the 17th May last
July 16
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 433