Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 43
the 30th of April last, the Sum of thirty Pounds Specie, and that you
are about to vend his Property for the Payment thereof, to the great
Distress of himself and Family; We therefore request you to sus-
pend the Execution and Collection of the Fine aforesaid, until further
Orders from this Board.
January 16
Liber No. 78
p. 317
[Council to John Muir Esqr]
We have requested the Favor of General Smallwood to draw the
Cloathing for the Soldiers, you will therefore issue the Cloathing on
his Orders.
[Council to Colo Samuel Smith]
We enclose you the Copy of a Bill of Lading signed by Captn
Nicholas Martin, for five thousand Mexican Dollars on public Ac-
count, which we request you will apply for and receive and transmit,
with a safe Guard to this Place. The General Assembly having ap-
propriated this Money to the Recruiting Service, it can be applied to
no other Purpose. The Freight you will pay of Course
p. 318
[Thursday 17th January 1782.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Ezekiel Haynie
Asst Surgeon of the 2d Maryland Regimt thirty pounds of the Bills
emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca of the
money appropriated for the present Campaign on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Jonathan Beard, nine pounds, seven
shillings and six pence of the same Emission of the money aforesaid
due him per Acct passed by the Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Martin Norris four pounds, eleven
shillings and six pence of the same Emission of the money aforesaid
due him per Account passed by the Aud Genl —
That the said Treasurer pay to William Allen six hundred pounds
of the same Emission, of the money aforesaid to be delivered over to
Peter Chaille Esqr Commissary of Worcester County on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Robert Denny five pounds,
of the same Emission, of the money aforesaid, to be delivd over to
John Lindsey late of the 4th Regiment returned from Captivity. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Martin Norris one hundred pounds
of the same Emission of the money aforesaid to be delivered over to
Patrick Sim Smith Commissary of Calvert County on Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Martin Norris of the same Emis-
sion, of the money aforesaid the following Sums for the use of the
persons hereafter mentioned. Jesse Bourne seven pounds eight shil-
lings and eight pence, Nathaniel Wilson six pounds, five shillings and
four pence — Daniel Rawlings fifteen shillings — Capt Walter Smith
January 17
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 202