January 30
Liber No. 78
p. 410
[W Paca in Council to Honble Major General Greene.]
We are honored with your Letter of the 20th December last, com-
municating the very interesting Information of the Enemy's Evacua-
tion of Charles Town. Permit us Sir, to express the Joy we feel on
an Event so important to the United States, and so honorable to your
Arms. It is with singular Pleasure that we obey the Commands of
the General Assembly, in transmitting to you the enclosed Address ;
and we beg Leave to assure you that we most sincerely join in the
Sentiments which they express, of the great and important Services
atchieved for this Country by your Valor and Military Talents.
[W Paca in Council to Admiral Digby.]
The present Address, is dictated by Motives of Humanity. Mr
Edward Giles, a Gentleman of Maryland, is reduced to such a State,
by a Disorder in the Breast, that his Physicians advise a Change of
Climate as the only probable Means of his Recovery. As he is too
Weak to undertake a long Voyage, his Friends are extremely desir-
ous that he should try the Salutary Air of Bermuda, and it is at their
earnest Solicitations that we have the Honor to request the Favor of
your Excellency's Passport for a Vessel to carry him thither, with a
Companion and two Slaves to attend him; and Provisions for the
Use of the Crew and his Family. Candor requires that you should
be informed, that Mr Giles has been an Officer in the American Army,
and that he is, at this Time, a Delegate to Congress. We know not
whether it is in your Excellency's Department to grant Mr Giles Per-
mission to reside in Bermuda until his Health be restored, but if it
is not, we persuade ourselves, from your acknowledg'd Attention to
the Rights of Humanity, that you will be so obliging as to recom-
mend him, for this Purpose, to the Governor of the Island. —
January 31
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 384
Friday January 31st 1783.
Present as on Yesterday. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Jonathan Hudson
Esquire one hundred and sixteen pounds, six shillings and eight
pence specie out of the money appropriated for the Payment of Credi-
tors of a particular description for Money lent May 1780 per Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to the said Jonathan Hudson two
hundred and thirty nine pounds, five shillings and eleven pence specie
out of the money aforesaid part of an Account passed 29th Inst. —
That the said Treasurer pay to the said Jonathan Hudson Two
hundred and thirty nine pounds, five shillings and eleven pence specie
agreeable to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this State " Bal-
ance of an Account passed the 29th Instant.