336 Journal and Correspondence.
January 2
Liber No. 78
p. 405
Assembly. One would imagine that, with Regard to America, there
can be now no Obstacles in the Way of Peace; but we must take Care
not to be lulled by Appearances, which may be treacherous, and only
calculated to deceive. We are enquiring for an Officer, for Commis-
sary of Prisoners within the Description the Secretary at War re-
quests; as soon as we meet with such a one, we will write both him
and you on the Subject. The Severity of the Season rendered it im-
possible for our Barges to co-operate with the French armed Vessels;
the Men's Times of Enlistment also, expired the first of this Month,
and, by the Bill for the Defence of the Bay, which is now on its
Passage with the Assembly, an entire new System is to be adopted.
The Weather, from its Severity, has forced, it is said, the Enemy's
Barges out of the Bay; but by the last Information, there are two
British Privateers almost as high up as Patowmack; we expect every
Hour to hear of an Action between them and the French armed
January 3
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 373
Friday 3d January 1783.
Present His Excellency the Governor, Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel
Duvall, Jeremiah T. Chase & Jas Brice, Esqrs
Ordered that the Commissary of Provisions deliver to Daniel of
St Thomas Jenifer Esqr twelve hundred and sixty six and one half
Bushels of Wheat at Baltimore Town or the Head of Elk on Account
of his Salary. —
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Michael Leatherman six
pounds, six shillings and eight pence specie agreeable to the "Act to
adjust the Debts due from this State " per Account passed. — ,
This Board upon Consideration of the Case of Thomas Hynson
Wright, do release him from that part of his Bond, to the State of
Maryland dated 21 April 1781, which restricted him from departing
the County of Queen Anns without the Leave of the Governor and
Council for the time being
January 3
Liber No. 78
p. 406
[W Paca in Council to Honble Daniel Carroll Esqr]
We are just now favored with your's of the 31st Decr 1782. The
Packett from Mr Marbais, covered Letters from Mr Ridley in France,
addressed to the Executive of this State, on Business of a public Na-
ture, which he was commissioned to transact. We have wrote to the
Secretary at War, and have recommended Majr John Davidson of the
Second Maryland Regiment to be Intendant of Prisoners for the
Post at Baltimore Town. Our other Letter will be a Reply to the
other Subjects in your last.