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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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248 Journal and Correspondence.

August 29
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 328

being fully Investigated, and not being able to Pay of the fine in
Cash, his Effects has been executed by the Sheriff and will be sold in
ten Days which will leave his Family destitute of a Subsistance, and
will reduce them to the necessity of begging their Bread, from these
reasons he is induced to lay his case before your Excellency, hoping
that you will take the Matter into Consideration, and order that his
Effects may not be sold, but returned to him & the fine remitted, and
your Petitioner in Duty bound will ever Pray.
We the Subscribers do hereby Certify that Valentine Moser has got
a helpless Family of small Children and is in very Indigent Cir-
cumstances as set forth in the above Petition.
Benja Eastburn Capt, of Militia
Michael Troutman Capt of Militia
Luke Mudd. —

In Council 29th August 1782

By a Certificate given by George Scott Gentleman one of the
Magistrates of Fred County aforesaid it appears that the said
Valentine Moser affirmed before him on the 22d Instant that he
then was more than fifty two years of age. It is the Opinion of this
Board that the said Valentine Moser could not be legally fined as he
at the time he was ordered to march with the Militia was above 50
Years of Age & therefore exempt from all Militia duty. This Board
for the reason above assigned do direct that the said Valentine Moser
be discharged from the said fine of twenty Pounds.
James Brice
Saml T. Wright
Ben Stoddert

p. 325

The following Petition was presented to this Board by Daniel
To His Excellency the Governor & the honble the Council.
The humble Petition of Daniel Sowers of Ann Arundel County
aforesaid sheweth, that Ann Banks was presented at last March
Court for having a base born Child by your Petitioner and was
fined three Pounds Current Money. That your Petitioner was the
Father of the said Child and always intended to Marry the said Ann
Banks, but was prevented from fulfilling his Intention before the
birth being absent by water for a Considerable time about his usual
business. — That your Petitioner was Married to the said Ann Banks
on the tenth Day of October last Prior to the said Presentment and
Imposition of the Fine aforesaid as your Petitioner can make appear
by the Certificate of the Revd Mr Hanna now in his Possession — that
your Petitioner is a very poor man and will be much distressed if he
is compelled to pay the said fine and the Fees of Prosecution. Your
Petitioner therefore most humbly implores your Excellency and

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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