Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 241
the most direct route to New York, they conducting themselves with
Propriety on their Situation & to be accounted for in any Exchange
which may hereafter take place.
August 23
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 325
[Council to The Officer of the Guard, Annapolis]
We have determined to release Holton Jones and James Harrison,
and to permit them to go to New York to be exchanged; you will
release them accordingly.
August 23
Liber No. 78
p. 366
[Council to Abraham Skinner Esqr Commy Genl of Prisoners]
We have this Day released Holton Jones and James Harrison,
Prisoners from the British, who were taken in the Chesapeake, and
have permitted them to return to New York, to be exchanged. We
give you this Information, that you may have them accounted for
in your Settlement with the British Commissary of Prisoners.
Saturday 24th August 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James Cromwell
sixteen Pounds, Valentine Develt, nine Pounds, thirteen shillings and
four Pence & Robert Bradley Tyler fifteen Pounds, one shillings &
eight Pence specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due from
this State per Accounts passed. —
Commission of Letters of Marque & Reprisal issued to Joseph
Dority Commander of the Ship Phenix two hundred tons burthen
navigated by thirty five men, mounting ten Carriage Guns, belonging
to Isaac, Abraham & Andrew Vanbibber of Baltimore. —
August 24
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 326
[Council to Honble Intendant]
Although you cannot admit that you are in any Manner subject to
our Controul and Direction, in your Office, we shall, whenever we
think the Interest of the State requires it, call on you for Information
and direct you, as to the Disposition and Management of the Revenue,
and the Payment of Debts, and prevent the Waste and Misapplication
of the public Property. The Power we have exercised over you, is
not assumed, it is vested in the Executive by the Constitution, and the
Act of Assembly creating the Office of Intendant. By the Constitu-
tion, all Civil Officers who hold Commissions otherwise than during
August 24
Liber No 78
p. 366
good Behaviour, are amenable to the Executive, and may be sus-
pend for Misconduct in Office, from whence we infer, that it is not
only our Right but Duty, to enquire into the Transactions of the
Intendant and call on him for Information. By the Act of Assembly
already mentioned, the Intendant is to consult and advise with the
Governor and the Council on the State and Management of the
p. 367