Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 17
Saturday 8th December 1781.
Joseph Troy from Montgomery County, George McNass from
Charles Substitutes and David Beggerly from Montgomery, Mat-
thew Smoot from Charles and Henry Dorsey from Ann Arundel,
Draughts 'till the 10th Decr instant are hereby Discharged —
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Benja Garnet
Lieut of the 3d Regimt Light Dragoons, one suit of Cloaths and four
Shirts for the present year —
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Roberts fifty three
pounds, five shillings and nine pence of the Bills emitted under the
Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca, of the money appropri-
ated for the present Campaign due him per Acct passed by the A Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Benjamin Garnet thirty
pounds of the same Emission, of the money aforesaid on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Ridgely Esqr fifty four
hhds of Tobacco weighing fifty two thousand seven hundred and
thirty six pounds to be delivered over to George p. Keeports on
December 8
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 190
[Council to Capt. Geo. p. Keeports.]
We send you by R. Ridgely Esqr 54 Hogsheads of Tobacco, which
we request you to sell for Specie, immediately, at the highest Price
you can obtain for it, and remit us the Money by the first Oppor-
tunity : it is not to be sold on Credit, as the Purposes for which it is
intended are the most pressing. You will forward all the public
Cloathing in your Possession, to Mr Muir immediately.
December 8
Liber No. 78
p. 307
Monday 10th December 1781.
Edward Bishop from Worcester County a Draught — Levin Col-
lins & Joseph Rose from Dorchester County, Benjamin Gilpin from
Montgomery Henry Painter & Leonard Ettleman from Washing-
ton, James Anderson & Emory Smith from Queen Anns, and John
Willard from Harford County. Substitutes to serve 'till the 10th of
this Instant are hereby Discharged. —
December 10
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 190
Tuesday 11 December 1781.
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Basil Norman
a soldier in the Maryland Line, one suit of Cloaths, one pair Shoes
and one pair Stockings — Richard Holder, Richard Jameson & Thos
Harrison each, two shirts & one pair Overalls & one Coat to Har-
rison and to Dennis Ternain a soldier in the Maryland Line, one
Blanket, one pr Stockgs & one shirt.
December 11
Liber C R
No. 24
p. 190