Continental Village (N. Y.),
Convention Troops, see Brit-
ish Prisoners.
Convoys, see Vessels.
Conway, Capt., 113; John, 558,
559; John Span, 140; Rich-
ard, 13, ST3-
Cookerly, Jacob, 558.
Coopers, 157, 185, 236, 274, 203,
317, 408, 431, 447, 448, 47o,
505, 535, 556, 572. '
Gopher, John, 252, 253.
Corbin, Col., 390; George, 389-
Corn, see Indian Corn.
Cornwallis, Lord, 16, 81, 82-85,
87, 113, 119, 125, 126, 137, 174,
258, 261, 271, 293, 315, 316,
341, 383, 393, 422, 453, 473,
504, 508, 516, 522, 526, 533,
534, 545, 55o, 560, 582; Sur-
render of, 526, 528, 535, 536,
537, 545, 552, 560.
Coroners, 48, 249.
Corsica, 10, 12, 119, 194, 268,
280, 297, 208, 310, 343, 410,
427, 441, 480, 499, 500, 513,
523, 53i, 547, 57o; Creek, 212,
Cortland, Col., 569.
Cotman (Cottman), Joseph,
195, 361; William, 195, 361.
Cotterel, James, 189.
Cotton, 334.
Couden, —— , 441.
Council, members of, I, resigna-
tion of Daniel Carroll, 24;
Secretary, n, 30; Door-
keeper, 328; see also Eastern
Shore, Special Council.
Counselman, Frederick, 274.
Counterfeit Money, see Money.
County Commissioners, 284,
477; Lieutenants, n, 15, 16,
20, 23, 24, 26, 28, 75, 89, oo,
108, 168, 104, 196, 224, 269,
271, 281, 286, 289, 293 298,
301, 306, 332, 365, 367, 385,
386, 388, 389, 419, 425, 434,
440, 443, 476, 578.
County Courts, see Courts.
Courser, Henry, 514.
Courtenay, Hercules, 43, 49, 6 r,
78, 100, 132, 211, 238.
Courtney's Island, 334.
Courts, 64. j^8, 355, 358, 372,
374, 377, 397, 4O5, 426, 429,
451; Admiralty, 5, 299;
County, 161, 164, 171, 224,
252, 270, 445, 572, 580; for
felonies committed on high
seas, 195; General, 3, 5, 107,
241, 378, 530; for the Eastern
Shore, 98, 391, 466; Martial,
206, 278, 298, 516, 567-569;
Orphans, 161, 164, 171, 252,
499, 572; Special, 308, 364,
378. 390, 408, 425.
Courts, John, 464.
Cowman, Joseph, Jr., 33.
Cowpens (S. C.), 82, 105, 119.
Cox, —— , 408; Hugh, 295 ;
John, 295, 308; William, 138,
138, 252, 2^3, 464.
"Coxes Park," 533.
Crabstone, Moses, 512.
Crackels, Thomas, 324.
Cradock, John, 533; Thomas,
Craig, Adam, 320.
Cramphin, Capt., 515; Dans-
mund, 343, 355; Thomas, Jr.,
Cramton. Thomas, 271.
Crane, —— , 311; Capt., 200;
David, 312.
Crane Island, 157.
Crawford (Craufurd, Craw-
furd), —— , 492, 493; Alex-
ander, 392; D., 281; David,
68, 327, 555, 559; John, Jr.,
Craycroft, Ignatius, 364 ;
Thomas, 252, 253.
Cresap, Col., 474.
Crisall (Chrisall, Crysale),
—— , 129, 346, 373, 407, 414,
418, 437, 470; John, 227, 352.
Crismond, John M., 295.
Crockett, Col., 2, 20, 74; Benja-
min, 1 60; Joseph, 3, 42; Dr.
Samuel, 436.
Cromwell (Crumwell), —— ,
180, 198, 200, 377; John Ham-
mond, 34, 183, 254, 376, 296,
539; Thomas, 274.
Crookshank, William, 512.
Crosby, Joseph, 458.
Cross, Joseph of Thomas, 194.
Cross Roads Company of Mi-
litia, 310.
Croxall, —— , 247; Capt., 553;
C. M., 241, 254, 459; Charles
M., 560.
Cruger, Col., 395, 396.
Crummell, see Cromwell.
Crysale, see Crisall.
Culpepper County (Va.), 376.
Curson, Richard, 200-202, 211,
468, 469.
Custis, —— , 125.
Custom House. 326.
Cutting, J. B., 113, 116.
Cyple, Henry, 530.
Baffin, Serj., 214.
Dallam (Dellam), —— , 96, 109,
300, 373, 433! Col., 318, 363;
410, 450; John, a; Josias, 35;
Richard, i, 2, 20, 34, 35, 71,
109, 138, 152, 158, 165, 180,
183, 198, 227, 233, 299, 301,
302, 310, 362, 368, 370, 384,
409, 438, 534, 543.
D'Anmours, Le Chev., 155, 237,
Darby, —— , 203; Capt., 334-
Darnell, Francis, 477.
Dashiell, Capt., 79; Col., 66, 378,
379; Lt., 220; George, 24 104,
118, 163, 194, 216, 218, aig,
246, 360, 367, 4T9, 421, 424,
501; Joseph, 64, 69, 103, 104,
wo, 135, 327, 335, 337, 338,
353, 364, 389, 390, 407, 434,
460, 477, 489, 514; Josiah,
501; Levin, 339; Robert, 421,
422, 502; William Francis,
David, John, 177.
Davidson, Gen., 88.
Davie, see Davy.
Davies, William, 465.
Davis, —— , 296; Capt, 300,
331; Serjeant, 367; Bene-
dictor, 251; David, 402;
James, 409; Rezin, 498; Rich-
ard, 488; Robert Pain, 183;
Samuel, 249, 252, 364.
Davy (Davie), —— , 570; Alex-
ander W., 38.
Dawkins, Jesse, 458.
Dawson, Capt., 26, 338; John,
585; Joseph, 133; Nicholas,
13, 314.
Day, John, Jr., 139; Nathaniel,
Dayton, Col-, 545, 549-
Deafness, see Diseases.
Deakins, Col., 169, 304; F., 422;
Leonard M., 312, 314, 337;
W. Jr., 287; William, 170;
William Jr., 41, 490.
Deale, Capt., 140.
Dean, Maj. 181, 236, 245; John,
Dearborn, —— , 549; H., 551.
Deaver (Dever), Capt., 209;
Hugh, 310; John, 207, 208,
211, 214, 222; John Jr., 223.
Debts, Imprisonment for, 149;
liquidation, 142.
Declaration of Independence, 7.
Deems, Frederick, 29.
Deer Creek, 228.
Defence, see Vessels.
Delahonty, James, 279.
Delaware, 5, 130, 145, 166, 174,
205, 215, 226, 238, 256, 260,
282, 285, 320, 325, 347, 366,
416, 423, 446, 453, 4*4. 404,
55<5, 575; fay, 166, 174, 182,
212; Hundred, in; River,
199; Troops, 405; see also
Appoquinimick, Dover, Hen-
lopen light house; Lewes
Town; New Castle; Reho-
both; Sussex; Wilmington.
Dellam, see Dallam.
Delozer, John, 252, 253.
Dempsie, Capt., 333.
Deney, See Denny.
Dennis, Daniel, 247; Henry, 65,
103, 122, 364, 389, 39o; J.,
333; William, 214.