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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 591   View pdf image (33K)
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Chalmers, John, 1.39.
Chambers, Benjamin, 182;
James, 76. 80; John, 228.
Chancy, see Cheney.
Chapline (Chaplain, Chaplin),
—— , 129; Caot., 271, 568;
James 271, 327; Joseph, 488.
Chapman, Henry H., 484; John,
Chaptico, 231, 296, 333, 557.
Charles, Count, 68.
Charles County, 4, 24, 36, 86, 96,
119, 136, 157, 158, 178, 200,
235, 251, 252, 253, 255, 276,
294, 295, 324, 331, 355, 358,
359, 375, 382, 388, 391, 403,
423, 438, 464, 481, 484, 487,
506, 510, 517, 518, 569, 572;
see Jenifer, Daniel; Reeder,
Hezekiah; Benedict; Durham
Perish; Lower Cedar Pt. ;
Nanjemoy; Port Tobacco.
Charles Town, see Vessels.
Charles Town (S. C), 16, 44,
68, 82-85, 102, 205, 247, 395,
420, 462, 464, 472, 551.
Charlotte (N. C.). 87, 395-
Charlotte-Ville (Va.), 2, 277,

Charlton, John W.. 12; Usher,

Charon, see Vessels.
Chase, —— , 71, 496; J. 366,
460; Jeremiah Townley, I,
135, 164, 179, 407, 456, 459;
Samuel, 327.
Chataloux, Gen., 483.
Chatham, 219.
Chees, John, 9.
Cheney (Chaney), Andrew
Francis, 581, 582; William,
Cherrystones (Va.), 383.
Chesapeake Bay, passim.
Chester, —— , 262.
Chester River, 10, 185, 191, 205,
212, 213, 223-225, 240, 273,
336, 428, 448, 471, 578, 579.
581. Town, 108, 154, 174, 181,
200, 221, 225, 236, 240, 245,
252, 260, 311, 312, 440, 537-
Chesterfield Court House
(S. C). 87, 196-
Chew, S., 445.
Chew's Island, 480.
Childs, John, 458.
Chincoteague (Va.), 279.
Chisholm, Archibald, 27.
Choiseul, Duke de. 202.
Choptank, 275, 366; bridge, 450 ;
River, 123, 242, 322, 323, 365,
366, 470, 471, 507, 549-

Clingall, sec Cricall.

Christianna. 92, 408, 471, 531,
545; bridge, 94, 348, 410, 550.
Church Hill, 301.
Cider. 219, 568.
Civil Law, see Law.


Clabaugh (Clabough), —— ,
503; Frederick, 502; J., 501.
Clagett (Clegett), —— , 232,
258; Capt., 153; Alexander,
488; Thomas, 327; William,
57, 287, 288, 290, 304, 307, 309,
457; Thomas and Co., 288,
Clancy, Michael, 464.
Claridge, —— , 540; James, 540.
Clark (Clarke), 90, 108, 219,
249; Caleb, 320; George, 25,
26; Thomas, 407.
Class Money, 303.
Clay Island, 361.
Claycom, Henry, 297.
Clayland, James, Jr., 360; M.,


Claypoole, James, 249, 252.
Clayton, James, 439.
Clegett, see Clagett.
Cleland, Capt., 458; Thomas, 4,
Clement's Bay, 295.
Clements, —— , 423; Charles,
252, 253; Clement, 252; 253;
John, 252, 253; W., 420.
Clemm (Clem), Capt., 20; Wil-
liam, 61, 206.
Clergy, 173, 177, 195, 367, 415,
"Clifts" (The), 151.
Clinton. Gen. 197, 205, 221, 393 :
H., 203; Henry, 166, 560; Sir
Henry, 46, 247, 526.
Cloth and Clothing, passim. See
Baize; Bearskin; Belts; Bolt-
ing Cloth; Buckels; Buttons ;
Castor hats; Canvass; Cot-
ton; Duck; Dowlass; Duffle;
Dutch cloth and linen; Ever-
lasting; Felt; Firze; Flan-
nel; German Dowlass; Hats ;
Holster's caps; Hose; Ironet ;
Jackets; Kersey; Linen ;
Overalls; Oznaburgs; Plush ;
Russia sheeting; Seizures;
Serge; Silk; Shirts; Shoes ;
Socks; Stockings; Ticklen-
burg; Vests; Woolens; York-
shire cloth; Yarn.
Clove (N. Y.), 166.
Club, —— , 412; Mathew, 433;
Samuel, 433-
Coal, 422.
Cockey, Capt., 30; Edward,
530; John, 32, 274; Joshua,
Coffee, 217, 319, 322, 362, 436.
Coghlan. Mary, 533.
Colbin, George, 308.
Colborn's Creek, 559.

ColcVieetf-r (Va.). 400.

Cole, Capt., 214.
Colegate, John, 274; Richard,
Collectors, see Cattle; Horses
and Taxes.


Colliar, Capt., 353.
Collins, John, 262, 372.
Commissaries and supplies, pas-
sim. See Beall, Thomas of
George; Blaine, Ephraim ;
Blake, Charles; Brooks, John
Smith; Bruff, Joseph; Cal-
houn, James; Casson, Philip ;
Chaille, Peter; Dallam, Rich-
ard; Ford, Joseph; Gaither,
Edward, Jr.; Griffith, Benja-
min; Hollingsworth, Henry ;
Hughes, Daniel; Jenifer,
Daniel; Keeports, George P. ;
McBride, William; Richard-
son, Thomas; Skinner, Col. ;
Sullivane, James; Voorhees,
John; Wederstrandt, C. T.
and Williams, Barucn.
Commissioners for settling and
adjusting the accounts of
Troops of Md. in the service
of the U. S., 102, 145.
Common Law, see Law.
Conard, Edward, 190.
Concoa, —— , 408, 410, 411 ;
Capt., 447.
Confederacy, see Vessels.
Confederation, see Articles of
Confiscated British property, see
Congaree Rivf-r (S. C.), 395,
Connecticut, 154, 171, 575, see
also New London, Simsbury.
Connelly, Jeremiah, 478.
Conococheague River (Pa.),
Conqucrant, see Vessels.
Conqueror, see Vessels.
Conspiracies, see Loyalists.
Constable, Thomas, 209, 247.
Consumption, see Diseases.
Contee, A., 68, 390; Alexander,
288; J., 109; Thomas, 180.
Continental Army, passim. See
Gist, Mordecai; Greene,
Nathaniel; Hollingsworth,
Henry; Keeports, George P. ;
Lafayette, Marquis de ;
McHenry, James; Poe,
David; Smallwood, William ;
Steuben, Baron de; Washing-
ton, George and Yeates,
Continental Congress, passim.
See Carroll, Daniel; Hanson,
John; Huntington, Samuel ;
Jenifer, Daniel of St.
Thomas; Potts, Richard; Ar-
ticles of Confederation :
Board of Admiralty; Board
of War; Office of Finance and
War Office.
Continental money, see Money.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
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