578 Letters to the Governor and Council
December 20
Red Book
No. 29
Letter 32
[George Jackson, Head of Chester, to the Council.]
In consequence of a warrant directed to the Lieut, of Kent county
in January last, I was apprehended my books and papers seized on
suspicion of having Purchased large quantities of grain for the use
of the Enemy in consequence of which warrant I appeared before
your honble body & was discharged but neglected asking for my
books & papers, the bearer therefore waits on your honours, for
the Purpose of receiving them provided it will be no Injury to the
state to deliver them to him, the Book is marked George Jackson &
Co & the Invoices Mann & Lea, if Mr Mann's books can be had it
also will oblige me as many of the Accounts Interfere with mine
and I cannot make a settlement without them & should you require
them again they shall be delivered within one month from the time
I receive them.
December 22
[And. Buchanan to Gov. Lee.]
Yours of the 3 Int. came to hand the 13 I then Orderd out from
Col Smith Battalion 100 men who marched on this day, in Order
to induce them to march with expedition, their field officers hath
Promised to relieve them with an Equal number at the end of one
month, this may not be amiss altho a little inconsistent, the guard
in future from here now I Presume must be kept up in this way as
it will be dificult to get the succeeding milita to Continue the 2
months, the Country militia have no arms I suppose that they may
be had for the guard at Fredk Town. Your answer by the first
oppery will be necessary as the milia in the County will be hard to
move and must have a long notice of their march
December 22
[C. North, Lt. Colo., to His Excellency The Governor of the State
of Maryland and the Honble Council.]
I have it in command, from the Minister of War to remove all
the British Troops at this Post and Winchester to York Town and
Lancaster in the State of Pennsylvania, and by the following Ex-
tract, from my instructions you will see that I am to solicite your Aid
in furnishing the necessary Guards and Teams
"After taking a View of the Barracks and Hutts at Frederick
Town, if you find they will contain all the Germans — you will then
proceed to Winchester, and there make Application to the County
Lieutenant for guards and Teams to Escort the Whole to Frederick
Town. Halt the Germans there and proceed with the British, under
the Escort which shall be furnished you by the State of Maryland,
to York Town, where they will be met by a Continental Regiment
from Lancaster."