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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 577   View pdf image (33K)
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January 1-Decewber 31, 1781 577

sion an immence loss of time were I first to call for the returns then
transmit them back from hence, or whereever I may happen to be.
I have for that reason directed Major General Greene to furnish
Your Excellency with a State of your line, and give you credit for
any Men you may have serving in the Legionary Corps or Artillery —
deducting the amount from the quota assigned to you by the arrange-
ment of the 3d & 21st of October 1780 will point out exactly your
I flatter myself it is needless to impress upon Your Excellency
the necessity of complying as fully as possible with the requisition
of Congress above mentioned. It is a well known fact, that the
critical and dangerous situation to which all the Southern States
were reduced, was owing to the want of a sufficient regular Force
to oppose to that of the Enemy, who taking the advantage of the
frequent desolution of our temporary Armies, had gained such
footing in the foremost Southern, that their Governments were
totally subverted or so debilitated, that they were not capable of
exerting sufficient authority to bring a regular Army into the field.
Happily the scene is changed and a moment is allowed us to rectify
our past errors, and, if rightly improved to put ourselves in such a
situation, that we need not be apprehensive of the force which Great
Britain has remaining upon the Continent, or which she can prob-
ably hereafter bring. But the greatest encouragement to a vigorous
preparation is that it will be the most likely method of gaining new
Allies, and forcing Great Britain into a negotiation, which we have
every reason to suppose would end in a peace honorable to the inter-
ests and views of America.
I will take the liberty of recommending a matter to Your Excel-
lency, which I must sollicit you to urge to the Legislature as abso-
lutely necessary to the filling your Regiments with proper men,
more especially if the mode of drafting should be adopted. It is
stationing Continental Officers, of the Rank of Field Officers at
least, at the different places of rendezvous who shall judge of the
ability of the Recruits and pass him or reject him as circumstances
may require. For want of a regulation of this kind we have had
hundreds of old men and many Children, disordered and decrepid
persons passed by civil Characters appointed for Muster Masters
and have been under the necessity of discharging them the moment
they have joined the Army — whereby the State has been put to a
vast expense for a useless man, and the service has lost a Man for
the Campaign, the districts from whence such have been sent, have
scarce ever replaced them. The Secretary at War will address your
Excellency upon this subject, which I can assure you is of the utmost
importance to the constitution of the Army.
I have the honor to be Your Excellencys
Most Obt Humble Servt


December 19
Brown Book
No. 1
Letter 46

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 577   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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