December 9
[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to Governor Lee]
Yrs of the 1st of Novr I recd on the 3d of this instant: and
proceeded immediately to Salt fifty Beeves in bulk on Wye Island.
I impressed a Vessel to send it to Annap: but the moment I left her,
Hugh Reynolds manager for Mr Boardley loaded her with wheat
and she went off to Baltimore. The Beef remains in Bulk at Mr
Paca's 15543lbs By Colo Hollingsworth's order I have sent off most
of the others to Elk, what remains fitt shall be Salted down directly.
Yr Ex: refers me to Colo Blaines orders (they were to load the Ves-
sels as fast as he sent them) none but Middletons Boat ever appear'd
she was dispatched immediately the 24 of Octr and I have heard
nothing from Colo Blaine since: I have 300 bar: of flour ready to
deliver at Emersons Warehouse Wye River, there is also a good deal
of wheat on hand but cannot gett Vessels to transport it to the places
order'd; Colo Hollingsworth has promiStd Vessels but they have
not yett come. The Vessel pressed as above mention'd belonged to
one Davie of Baltimore the Shippers name Daniel Weatherby,
Reynolds who loaded her was present when she was pressed. If
yr Ex: thinks proper to make an example of them it may deter r
others if not, in the situation We now are without Money or even
Creditt, the publick Stores must lay and Spoil in the places collected,
as no Vessels will remain when they know they can go off with im-
punity. Please (as promiStd in yr last) to order a Vessel to Wye
for the Beef which is ready and very good, and for the flour at
Emersons. Some of the Cows obtained are now so forward with
Calf as not to be fitt to slaughter, those I have return'd to the own-
ers at the price recd Some Steers not fitt to Slaughter the owners
have agreed to deliver next fall fitt for the knife without any ex-
pence to the State. Those I have left till I can hear from you.
December 10
[William Molohon, Philadelphia, to His Excellency Thomas Sim
Lee, Esqr]
Since my residence here I have at defirent times received from
the State of Maryland 194 hheads Tobacco which I have sold from
17/6 to 20/ Per Cent — on the 9th of Octobr I sold Messrs Ridley
& Pringle of Baltimore 200 hheads to avarege nine hundred and
fifty nett 140 of which was the property of the State, I had at that
time about that quantity of State Tobacco by me — but on examining
it, it had sustained such damage that from being much cut 27 hh'ds
was too light to be included in the sale. I have since sold that parcell,
which avareged a little upwards of seven hundred at 18/6 payable
the last of Jany. I was Induced to sell on these terms, as the To-
bacco from being much cut, was rendered unfit for shiping and it
was not of quality to suit the Tobacconists. As there remained 40
hhds to compleat the quantity sold on Acct the State— I wrote Mr