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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 569   View pdf image (33K)
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January 1-December 31, 1781 569

Saith that he saw Ensign Kerr yesterday about 4 oClock in the
Evening that he thought Ensign Kerr was at that time Unfit for
duty which appeard to be occasioned by Liquor
The Court after Mature consideration being of opinion that En-
sign Kerr hath been Guilty of Unofficer like behaviour While on his
Guard, Do sentence him to be Cashierd. Benjamin Johnson, presi-

December 6

[Jas Calhoun, Baltimore, to the Council.]

As its probable Mr Reeder comy of Provisions for Charles County
will want a considerable quantity of Salt this Winter and Mr Rid-
gate of that County informs me he has salt to dispose of which he
will part with on reasonable terms payable in Tobacco I submit it
to your Honble Board to make the purchase as it is not in my power
to procure a sufficiency of that article at present for want of the
means to pay for it If I had cash could buy French Salt here @ 14/
to 15/ p Bushel & allum Salt at 22/6 which will enable you to
Judge of the Proposals Mr Ridgate intends making you

[David Poe, D. Q. M., Baltimore, to Gov. Lee.]

I Reced your Excellencies favour of the 28th of last Month in
Respect of the Honourable Charles Carroll's Wood which was Cut
down by a Party of Soldiers on their March to the Northward, I am
Convinced that they have Cut and Burned some Wood, which I
believe belonged to that Gentleman but I cannot say how much has
been destroyed. I only can inform you that 600 Men past belonging
to the State of New York the Rest to Jersey, was Encamped there
about Three Days, the whole was Commanded by Colo Cortland
Commandant of the 2d New York Reigt that Gentleman had with
him a Brigade Qr M. whose duty it is to find a place for the Soldiers
to encamp, and Wood if it cannot be Furnished by the Qr Mr of
the Post which was the Case here as I had not Money to Purchase
unless I would give Two for one — which was forbid by your Ex-
cellency — the Matter did not come under my direction as the Brigade
Qr Mr had the whole Management of that business. It is customary
where ever the Continental Troops Marches to take Wood, asking
no Questions to whom it belongs — the Common mode is to get two
Reputable Persons to Value the Damages, for which the owner
either is paid or Receives a Certificate for the same.

December 8

[Tho. How Ridgate, Baltimore to Governor & Council]

I understand Mr Reeder the Commissary of Charles County is
in want of Salt, I have a quantity of Imported Liverpoole Salt, lay-
ing at Portobacco and will furnish him with what he may want at
the rate of 200l of Crop Tob p Bushell.

December 8

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 569   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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