464 Letters to the Governor and Council
for the use of the State, I know that he has no other that is suitable
for himself or family to ride
Zacha Forrest John Smith 1st John Smith Jur
I hereby certify that is to my knowledge many in this County that
can much better spare a Horac than Michael Spalding
Jno Reeder
[James Wells Colo to His Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
May it Please Your Excellency I have to Inform and Lay the
Complaint of George Payne a Young man who served as A Substi-
tute out of my Battalion Agreeable to an Act of Assembly pased at
Anapolis at March Session 1778 the 12 Sextion which Intitles him
to a Suit of Cloathes two shirts two pr Shoes & Stockings, a hat & a
Blankett, Which Articles or the Cloath and Linnen sd George Payne
prays he may Receive Instead of the Money Seemingly Stipulated By
his Colo. and Mr Zepheniah Turner Audetor General
[N[athaniel] R[amsey] to Governor Lee]
I take the liberty of inclosing a letter to Colo Williams which
I beg you to forward. I have expected every hour to have received
Instructions respecting the sale of whetstonepoint, I am more and
more confirmed in the opinion the necessity of altering: the terms, and
every hour it is delayed has a bad effect, I am convinced that agree-
able to the present terms, I shall not be able to sell perhaps one lot, for
unless I can obtain two thirds the value, I must stop the sale.
Brown Book
No. 2
Letter 11
[W. Smallwood to the Governor and Council.]
The Bearer Thomas Richardson, Michael Clancy, Joseph Blaze,
William Cox, William George and John Courts, six exchanged Pris-
oners from Charles Town, claim the benefit of the advance made to
others in a similar situation — for which purpose they wait on the
Governor & Council for an Order that the Money may be advanced
to Mr Denny.
[Petition of Mary Wright to Governor Lee]
To his Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Governor In and Over the
State of Maryland and the Honnourable The Council.
The Petition of Mary Wright of Charles County Humbly Shew-
eth. That your Petitioner being a Widdo who has five Children to
support being very poor, and that her son Samuel Wright who is all
her dependance for Assistance was on the 27th of July last Drafted
into the Continental Army Also that he the said Samuel haveing been
for some time past in a bad State of health therefore your petitionr
Hopes your Honnour will take her Destresed Condition into Your