January 1-December 31, 1781 459
[Richd Barnes, Leod Town, to His Excellency Thos Sim Lee Esqr]
This will be delivered you by Mr Wm Belwood an Officer in
the Militia who with a party of Men, have retakin a Vessel from
the Enemy, with two white men on board, and a Negroe Boy of Mr
John Henrys, that says he was takin a few days before by the Enemy.
I have sent them to you by Mr Belwood, who is impowered to dis-
pose of the Vessel &c. for the benefit of the men, that took her, agree-
able to Law, for which purpose I shall be obliged to you to advise him
the proper steps to be takin.
August 30
[C. M. Croxall, Balt, to Jeremiah Chase, Esq. Annapolis] (Favd by
Maj Sterrat)
Be assured Mr Chase my not having it in my immediate power to
transmit you the gold or Silver has and still continues to give me
more real uneasyness than any transaction of my life and could I
have had the most distant Idea of being so disappointed in payments
should have sufferd any thing before I would have asked the favour
or run the risque of sacraficing your good opinion, by not punctually
adhereing to my promise, which I now assure you does not proceed
for princaple, A few days I hope will put it in my power to make a
payment and give ample Satisfaction.
Coll Smith informs me he intends looking into your proposition
respecting the Salt mentioned, the nature of the passports &c.
Mr Bowley & myself has some inclination to take half the quan-
tity allow'd by Congress to this State, will you be pleased to write
hie, with a Copy of the passports, and at the same time let me know if
the Council will grant me a permit to go into New York on private
business with Mr Robert Alexander the nature of the business I now
inclose you, if they will give leave be pleased to send the permission by
this conveyance, as on Sunday I am obliged to go for Phila wch is
in my way to New York, or at any rate secure me one half as all the
property I have I can turn into flower & other articles wch In that case
will demand the Cash & be of great service to me in my first setting
out in life.
I think I can serve my Country & self too in this affair
August 30
[C. M. Croxall, Baltimore, to the Council.] (favd by Maj. Sterret)
I take the Liberty of beging leave to pay Mr R. Alexander who is in
New York a visit on business respecting moneys advanced to my
Brother Captives while a prisoner of War at that place with me on
my Acct and by my desire; and who now refuse me a repayment, for
want of their obligation & letters addressed him, which is now in his
possession, which sums I was obliged to repay him on my exchange
last fall.
August 30