386 Letters to the Governor and Council
August 3
[John Dorsey & Co, to His Excy The Governor and the Council]
We are informed that you will want a Quantity of Cordage
for the Gaily, Mr Steward is to build for the State, and also for
the Gaily offered the State by the Merchants of Baltimore, if pur-
chased by Government. The Cordage for the new Gaily will prob-
ably amount to 12 or 1500£ specie. We will engage to furnish the
Quantity, at the current market price in Gold in Baltimore for such a
Quantity & to take the new Emission in Payment as specie if the
public will advance one third or one half the Purchase Money, to
furnish Hemp the Cordage shall be delivered when requested.
[P. S.] The advance of 1/2 will be more agreeable. If the Enemy
should destroy our Rope Walk we will return the Money advanced
upon Request.
August 3
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 53
[Rt F. Hooe, Alex", to Gov. Lee.]
An express has this moment come in with a Letter from Genl
Weeding to our County Lieut — the Copies of Weedens & Barrons
Letters I enclose. By Genl Weedens Letter there seems little reason
to doubt of the Enemy's fleet being on their way up the Bay. Whether
up Potomack or to Balto or the head of Elk is uncertain — It is equally
necessary to give you the earliest notice & therefore I have charged
Mr Langdon to ride all night
August 2
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 54
[G. Weedon, B. G., Fredrick'g, to The County Lt or Commanding
Officer Fairfax County]
Inclosed have the Honor of transmitting you a Copy of Commo-
dore Barons letter to the Marquis by which it appears to be his opin-
ion that the fleet are coming up the Bay, you will judge from this
Intelligence whether the Militia of your County shou'd not immedi-
ately be called out and arranged (you'll see the proprietty) therefore
request you will immediately call out the Militia of your County with-
out loss of time
P. S. Since writing the above certain Accots have arrived of their
standing up the Bay.
July 30
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 55
[Jas. Baron, Commodore, Millusk near the old Fort to
Marquis de La Fayette]
I have the honor to inform you that this morning early 40 sail of
the Fleet weighed from Hampton road having a number of Horse
& Troops with twelve bay Barges full of men & stood down toward
the Capes having got in the proper Channels endeavour'd to stand up
the bay, But the wind & tide being a head have anchored near the
Capes — from every movement I think they are bound up the Bay
they have left ten sail in the road an two men of war this fleet must
contain near three Thousand Troops as they were very full the