[Wm Hemsley, Queen Anns County, to Gov. Lee.]
Enclosed you have the affadavits of four of the Draughts, the
others shall be sent as soon as the people can get notice it being har-
vest every man has been so engaged they cou'd not leave home.
There are not more than four Draughts but what will claim the
exemption under the Law, and those being single men I believe have
run away into the Delaware State.
I shall be much obliged for the Direction of the Council about
receiving the 4/ tax I am at a loss to know at what Exchange to
receive the paper money, for in common transactions between man
& man, it does not pass at all. When I left Anns the Exchange was
Six for one and the Commissioners of the Tax having Settled it at
three, the people think it hard that I wont take it at that. A report
prevails here that you intend suspending the Draught ordered by the
last law. I have not heard of any Officer being sent to this County
to recruit. Are the persons excused from Marching who were
draughted in April, to be classed & draughted again ? I cannot think
the mode of draughting the men will ever procure them.
July 12
[Sam. Hodgdon, C. G. M. S., Philadelphia, to Gov. Lee.]
By particular request of Mr Carroll I inclose an Invoice of Mus-
kets, Bayonets, and Cartouch Boxes, forwarded this day addresStd
to Mr Keepot, in Baltimore, for the use of the State of Maryland,
five hundred stand more are under Order, which will, be forwarded,
as soon as circumstances will possibly permit — the demand for Arms
from all quarters, being very pressing, will unavoidably prevent their
coming on, as soon as I could wish — but you may rest assured, that
not a Moments unnecessary delay shall be made — when ready I shall
do myself the honor, of giving you notice, that you may know when
to expect them.
July 13