July 10
Brown Book
Letter 43
[Go. Washington, Head Quarters near Dobb's ferry, to His
Excellency Governor Lee]
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's
favor of the 29th June.
It is with very great Satisfaction I observe the proceedings of the
General Assembly of your state which you have been pleased to com-
municate to me The exertions of that Legislature have heretofore
been laudable and I am exceedingly glad to see the same spirit still
prevailing. For my own part I have not a doubt but that if the states
were to exert themselves with that spirit and vigor which might rea-
sonably be expected at this favorable period they might not only
drive from the Continent the remains of the british force now among
us but obtain to themselves their Independance with the enjoyment
of Peace Liberty and happiness to their numerous Inhabitants an
event which you will be assured I most ardently wish.
I have the honor to be with perfect respect & Esteem Yr Excel-
lency's Most obedient Servant
July 11
Red Book
No. 27
Letter I
[Wm. Allein, Calvert County, to Gov. Lee.]
I am informed a Man by the name of Anderson is taken up at
Annapolis supposed to be a Spy, and from the accounts its the same
person who pasStd through this County about 12 days agoe and from
his behaviour & Conversation to a Thomas Heathman and Alexander
Ogg both of this County together with telling a different Story to
Col Wilkinson & Doctr Johnson, there's great reason to believe him