[Joseph Dashiell, Snow Hill to Gov. Lee.] (favd by Capt. Handy)
The Barer Capt Leven Handy has bin kind enough to take Charge
of John Traverse, and Conduct him safe to you agreable to your War-
ent, Inclosed you have Sundry papers &c found upon him when he
was taken by Capt Chadwick in one of the Philadelphia barges
Your Excly will see by a Petition in his hand Wrighting that he is a
person very able to do us a grate deal of Damage, I am in hopes the
Inclosed papers &c together with Doyels Evidence will be abundantly
enough to deprive him of a life Truely Dangerous to us, The people
heare, sho very grate uneasness at his not Receiving his Tryal imme-
diately as they are much afraid he will find means to make his escape,
In order to apease the people I was oblidged to promise that if he is
Condemnd up the Bay that, I would request that he might be exe-
cuted in this place, you will find by Capt. Chadwick letters that we
have several others in our posestion taken at the same time, as they
are not in your Warent, I have not removed them, I have sent all the
evidence, that we have against them, and shall wate your Orders, I
have Sent out sum Scoutting parties after the Sundry persons men-
tioned in your warent, as soon as I get them I shall send them forward
if I Can git as much mony as will defray the expence of the guard,
tho I know not at present, wheather I Can or not as I have bin
Oblidged to strain my Credit to git as much as Cary is the present
guard forwarded by Capt Handy.
I have not seen Capt Walley since I got home but I am informed
that their is a Mistake in Both the Comissions the Capt is for Zodock
in stid of Zedekiah Walley of the Protector the Barge in Joseph
Handys Commission is Called the proctor I submit wheather the
Commissions had not better be Continued as they will often be
oblidged to be in Virginea, and with one of Our State Commission,
they might be Treated if taken in Virginea as pirates, this is the op-
pinion of sum heare, that since the Confederation, our Commissions
will not be good out of the State. I should be exceding glad you Could
send down sum of the Subscription papers as we did not Get any of
them before I Came away from Annapolis
I take the liberty to mention Capt. Handy to you who is very De-
sirous to render his Country every Service in his power if he Can
do it by entering into the armey in a station not to Degrade the Com-
mission he has once held in the Armey
N B. I have Inclosed a letter from Colo Robt Done that gives an
Accf of the other men left in our Goal.
July 3
Brown Book
No. 9
[H. Hollingsworth, Head of Elk, to His Excellency, Thomas Sim
Lee Esqr, in Council.] (favd p Mr Falconer)
And please your Excelly & honours. I did myself the Honour of
writing to you on the 26th of June acquainting of my difficulties in
forwarding the Service without money being much in arrears; since
July 3
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 79