laid Down and the Horses Turned out, I suppose by Ill designing
persons should therefore be Desirous of having those Taking of my
hands or to have further Information therein
July 1
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 113
[Robert Duvall Prince George County, to Col. James Brice,
I am much obliged to his Excellency the Governor and Council,
for their good opinion of my patriotison and Zeal, in support of the
Independance of America, and am sorry to inform you, that it is my
being much indjspoStd that has prevented me from acting as a Re-
cruiting officer; having been under the Doctor's hands since the mid-
dle of may, but hope to be well shortly, therefore, if his Excellency
the Governor and his Council have it in their power, and may think
it Expedient to invest me with full power and authority, to Raise a
full Company for three years or During the war, they may be sure
of my Exerting the earliest means to Accomplish the matter, which
I think I Can do in a very little time.
July 2
[P. Key, Chaptico, to the Council]
I have received your Excellencys & Honours favor 29th to which
I shall pay the utmost attention. My stay at Annapolis retarded the
forwarding your Tobacco very much — however I have this day fin-
ished shiping on board craft — 55 Hhds — 25 from Potomack & 30
from Patuxent that I have had carted over, the whole will be for-
warded this Month as I have got the business now under my own
If you have any more Tobacco at Chaptico that you wish to for-
ward it can be carted to Patuxent with more ease than from any
other House on Patomack & I can engage what carts I want to trans-
port it directly The Tobacco now forwarded is of the best Quality
made here & I am very certain most of it will prove good except that
at Llewellins I am in hopes the Tobacco now sent will nt the State
237 clear of charges or at least 22/6
July 2
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 78
[George Melvin, affidavit taken before J. Dennis.]
George Melvin of full age being sworn on the holy Evangels of
Almighty God deposeth and saith that some time in the month of
December last past John Gunby came to this Deponents House and
upon a quarrel arising between the said Gunby and some other per-
sons the said Gunby threatened them that Capt Dempsie and some
other Capt wou'd burn down some of the Houses on Pocomoke, and
at the same time the said Gunby said he was a British subject and had
been on Board of the Enemy and wou'd go on board again, and this
Deponent further saith that at time of the above conversation the
af sd Gunby was much intoxicated with liquor
July 2
Brown Book
No. 9