the other, these Reasons I Give Mr Saire, and furder Told him I
would aply to your Exclence and Colo Brice, which I Did acordingle,
the Colon said I Must aply to your Exclence & the Honoble Councel,
which I atended near the Day, but the Doore keeper Tould me your
Honr Had Just Received some Newes, that you had then under Con-
sideration and I Could not be permitted in, this Sir was on a Satur-
day which Just at Night, I meet your Exclence Comming up to the
Court House, & Mr Bulling with you, and as you passed me I asked
your Exelence if I Must Remove the ferrey Boats your Reply was by
no means, on this I Rested my self Content and on Sunday Morning
Mr Sairs Com again, and I Related the above to him, but he still
insisted, and I Refused to help with the Boat, and am Likle to be
find, and as it is the first Trespass, and on what your Exelence said
To me, I Humble Begg your Marcey in Speaking to Colo Brice or
Tootell for me as I have oft Time Heard, your Exelence would not
Refuse the petition of the poore, I Did not meen to Do any Harm
to any man Liven, and as to the Cause of my Cuntra I will abide by
till Death, from your Most obedent Huble Servt
N. B. If your Exclence should Rember this, I Ever will acknowl-
edge it the Gratest favour, if you will please to Certifie it by aline or
Two, as your Exclence knowes the fins are Heave and I have a large
famely, which I can Scarce Metain with all I can Do, I therefore
Shall Ever Esteame it a favour, of your Excelence, & Remain with
Due Respect, your Excelence Most Obedent Hul Sevt
[Christ. Orendorff. Information abt the Conspiracy in Washington
& Fred. Countys]
Informa of Christian Orendorff.
about a Fortnit ago Henry Newcomer of Washington County
came to him in Shaftsburgh and called him out of his Father's House
and asked what he thought of these Times, answered the Times were
very bad & precarious — he then asked if he thought the King would
over-come this Country answered he thought he might. I'm sure he
will overcome the Country and Orendorff if you will keep it a secret
I lead you into a Matter of great Importance — answered he would
he said we have raised a Body of Men for the Service of the King
and we thought proper to make appln to you to go to N York for a
Fleet, asked how many Men they had raised he said upwards of
6000 — asked who was the Commanding officer of the Party, an-
swered one Fritchy of Fred. Town a Dutch Man dont know his Chris-
tian Name — ordered Orndorf to go to his House and he would shew
him the Man went to his House and rode with him to Fred. Town but
did not go to Fritchy's House. Newcomer informed him Fritchy
would not see him in Town but would meet him ten Miles from
Town — he met him and then took him aside and said he understood
Orndorf was let in to a Matter that was carrying on now. Orndorf