January 1-December 31, 1781 319
of either, I never have had the pleasure of counting it, I dont men-
tion this as a complaint, I ever looked on it that my County had a
right to my Services, in any way that my weak abillitys was equal to.
I mention it to shew your Excellency and Honors that I am Exausted,
and tis impossible I should be otherways, I never spared a shilling of
my own when I had it, either to save this State, or the United States
while in either of their services, and my accounts will prove what
I say
June 26
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 87
[Sam. Smith, Balt., to the Hon. James Brice, Esqr.]
I am Honor'd with yours of yesterday. The articles of Rum,
Sugar, Coffee Tea & Soap require Cash to purchase them, therefore
I fear it will not be in my power to supply them so soon as the officers
will want them. I Have allready made Contract for more than the
amot of property put in my Hands, owing to the great failure of the
supply from Mr Hollingsworth. The Supply now required will take
at least sixty Hhds Tobacco, if that together with the 100 Hhds before
requir'd should be put into the Hands of Mr Muir I may on the Credit
of them procure the articles requir'd. For I assure you on my Honor,
I can get no Credit as Agent. They will only sell to me as a private
person, the sellers look not to the State, but to me, by this Means I
Have Bot on the very best Terms. Drums & fifes cannot be had in
less than 3 weeks they are all to make. I shall send to Philada they
must follow with many other things, I shall forward everything I
Have prepar'd this Evening
June 26
Red Book
No. 37
Letter 105
[Chas. Thomson, Secry, Philadelphia, to Gov. Lee.]
Upon the completion of the Confederacy by the Accession of the
State of Maryland the United States in Congress Assembled thought
proper to revise the regulations respecting captures and for that pur-
pose on the 27th of March last passed an ordinance of which I have
the honor of enclosing a copy and conformable thereto on the 7th
of April Ordained and established rules and instructions to be ob-
served by the Captains or commanders of private armed Vessels com-
missioned by letters of Marque or general reprisals
This having occasioned a change in the commission &c the board
of Admiralty have not been able before this time to furnish this
office with the new forms and hence has arisen the delay in supplying
your State. I now embrace the earliest opportunity of forwarding
twelve commissions with an equal number of bonds and Instructions.
You will be so obliging as to order the bonds when executed to be
returned to this office together with such of the old commissions as
may remain that your State may be credited for them.
P. S. There are several vessels in Virginia which want commis-
sions, the deranged state of affairs in that commonwealth having
induced some of the owners & masters to apply to Congress it is
Judged proper to refer them to you
June 26
Red book
No. 8
Letter 10