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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 315   View pdf image (33K)
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January 1-December 31, 1781 315

[Lafayette, Mr Savages house 13 Miles from New Kent Court
house, to Gov. Lee]

Yesterday morning the enemy renewed their march from Kent
Court house to Williamsburg. This morning a light corps, that was
in advance, and the Pennsylvania line moved after them. Lord Corn-
wallis has not, as yet, explained himself clearly enough, for one to
determine upon his immediate objects. I would suppose however,
that a post at Williamsburg, and a small one, perhaps, at York, may
be intended. Heretofore his cavalry have covered his maneuvres,
and rendered him almost impenetrable.
I have been for some time past flattered with accounts of an ap-
proaching succour in cavalry from your State, but their not joining
me, makes me fear lest they should be prevented by some obstacle
that had not been foreseen. If it is to be removed by the Executive,
I pray your Excellency to give such orders for this purpose as may
effect it with as much expedition as possible. Where an Army con-
sists chiefly in Militia, a large and good cavalry is of the last impor-
tance. It is our misfortune that ours is chiefly in militia, and that
the enemy's cavalry renders every effort of ours that may produce
au equality, a primary object. With an Army of this description, and
without cavalry to oppose to the enemies, you can easily conceive
his advantages. But notwithstanding, these his Lordship has the
credit of having moved with great caution.

June 25
Brown Book
No. 7
Letter 66

[Geo. P. Keeports, Baltimore, to Gov. Lee.]

May It Please Your Excellency I Received in the Course of Last
Week Eighteen Peices of Cannon (From Mount Etna Furnace)
Said to be Four Pounders but are not all of a Bore some of them will
Carry a Six pound Shot, The Guns are Very Fine To Judge from
Appearance I think them Equal to any Ever Cast on the Continent
But are By no means Proportioned or Proper for Field Peices as
they are much too short & Heavy. They are only of the Common
Length for Ship Guns, as I was not Informed wether Those are the
Guns Intended for the Travelling Carriages I was Ordered to have
made. Your Excelly will Please to Inform me wether Those are the
Guns Intended for Field Peices and wether the Whole or What Part
is to be mounted on Proper Travelling Carriages.
There is 4 Three pounders (which would Answer for Field Peices
much Better) Offered in Exchange for 4 of Those Guns.
Two Ammunition Wagons will be Done this week and the Other
4 are in hand, The Carriages and Wagons Require a Considerable
Quantity of Iron & the black Smiths would Take Barr Iron at the
market Price in part Paymt for their Work. If suitable your Excel-
lency will Please to order 5 or six Ton Imediately for this Purpose
Length of Peices from the Muzzle to the Base Ring. 4.9 Ins.
Diamiter at Base Ring 13 1/2 Ins. Weigh 10..1.14lb.

June 25
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 90

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 315   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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