occasion to fall far short in Payment of the Contract I have made
unless my order for Tobacco is Considerably IncreaStd, I must there-
fore pray that the Bearer Mr Buchanan may be supplied with an
order on the Treasury for 100 Hhds. Tobacco — and that I may be
furnish'd with an order on Mr R. Dallam for 160 Bbles flour which
he says he has in his possession, being part of a quantity seiz'd by him
& which he cannot deliver but by an express order from your Board.
I will thank you to send such order Immy
I cannot procure more Tent Linen than will make 1 Marque
8 Horsemens Tents & 50 Common Tents — they will be ready next
Saturday. I Have this Day supplied 60 men at this Post with
June 18
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 97
[Petition of William Tarbutton To his Excellency Thomas Simm
Lee, and the honble the Council]
The Petition of William Tarbutton of Queen Anns County Hum-
bly Sheweth That your Petitioner being one of the Militia in Captain
George Finley's Company in the fifth Battalion, hath been lately
draughted pursuant to an Act of Assembly intitled "An Act to pro-
cure Recruits " to serve in the Army of the United States
That your petitioner is and hath been for a long time very sickly
and Infirm, and wholly unable to perform the necessary Duties of a
That your petitioner when formerly called on for the like Service
was discharged by reason of his bodily Infirmities which have been
increasing on him ever since. That your Petitioners feeble Labor
is the only support to his Wife and Family. That his marching woud
only be attended with certain Expence to the Public, without a pros-
pect of rendering any essential Service to his Country in the Army.
That the Death of your Petitioners Father on Wednesday the thir-
teenth Instant prevented his attendance at Church Hill on that Day
to lay his Case before the Lieutenant of the County afsd. Your
Petitioner therefore humbly prays that his Case may be considered
and that for the Reasons assigned Your Excellency and honors will
grant him a discharge from the Army. And as in Duty bound he'll
George Finley
Benja Elliott.
[June 18]
Red Book
No. 26
Letter 105
[Petition of Rachel Tarbutton To His Excellency Thomas Simm
Lee — and the Honble the Council]
The Petition of Rachel Tarbutton of Queen Anns County. Hum-
bly Sheweth. That a certain Richard Ratcliffe hath lately been
classed and Draughted in the Twentieth Battalion of the Militia in
this County pursuant to an Act Intitled "An Act to procure recruits "
June 18
Red Book
No. 26
Letter 104