300 Letters to the Governor and Council
June 18
[Chrisr Birckhead Talbot County to His Excellency Thos Sim
Lee Esqr]
I send by Capl Richd Bruff Nine of the draughts from this County,
there are some from their indisposition of Body are not able to
march, and the others refuse to march at all. Your Excellency will
use yr pleasure, respecting those that refuse to march, I hope some
other officer may be appointed to compel those that refuse
June 18
[Capt. Joseph Ford to Col. Forrest]
I have taken the Liberty of enclosing you a Letter for his Excel-
lency Tho. Sim Lee Esquire Respecting the Goods Mr Campbell
has Liable to a seizure by Law — it is my opinion that such goods
as he has may be laid in upon better terms in Annapolis and Bal-
timore & for that Reason I have thought best to lay the matter
before the Council and that we may get there determination more
Speedily I shall be obliged to you to wait on them and forward there
answer by the Return of Charles Lansdale. Mr Campbell has sus-
pended the Sale of them till I have their directions if the Assembly
have taken order in my Matter be so obligeing as to inform me of
their decree.
June 18
Red Book
No. 22
Letter 16
[Gabriel Jacobs, Frederick Town, to Gov. Lee.] (Hond by
Mr. Foster)
I wou'd thank your excellency for an Order for the Cloathing
specified in a Memorandum from Capt. Reed & delivered to your
excellency by Capt Davis & allso for twenty pair of Shoes, Capt.
Reed had the Promise of The shoes from Mr Murdock but he has not
furnish'd them, the men are Exceedingly distressd for want of the
June 20
P. S. Since I wrote the above have inlisted two men shou'd be glad
of an order for Cloathing for them allso
June 18
[Hezekiah Reeder, Port Tobacco, to the Governor and Council.]
I receiv'd your order of the 9th Inst to purchase one hundred Beef
cattle which I expect to compleat in a few days, I hope you will direct
in what manner I am to be furnished with cash to enable me to carry
on the business in this County, the late commissary Mr Jenifer drew
on the collector of the Tax for £200 as directed by Law
June 18
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 97
[Sam. Smith, Balto., to Gov. Lee.] (pr Mr. Buchanan)
I did myself the Honor to write your Excelly yesterday since when
I recd Information that Mr Hollingsworth will fall short 1000 Bbles
flour from the order I recd & Mr Dallam writes that the principal part
of the wheat in his County is ground up, so that the Delivery in this
side Mr Calhoun's District will fall short at least 500 Bbles This will