June 12
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 85
immediately done, without taking it a Mile out of the Common road
to Market — if the flour ground down with the Midlings in it will do
for Mr Smith I can furnish him with about five hundred Bbls in two
weeks, if not I have no prospect of filling his request on this side
Harvest, unless furnished with the wheat from elsewhere.
I this day waited on the Commissioners of Cecil to know what
collections had been made in Money, that I might with the more pro-
priety Insist on the commissarys compleating the remainder in the
Specific way, supposeing by that to be able to determine what could
be done in this County, but find full returns have not been made
them by the collectors of the Tax, so that I am here disappointed,
the commissioners inform me that as the collectors have but two
p Ct for collecting in the specific way, and four for the other, they
give that the preference,
I wait with impatience your further orders, and from the present
difficulties, am Imbolden'd to offer to your Excellency and Honours
a few hints which have occured to me, regarding the Collecting Manu-
facturing and forwarding the flour and wheat, and also the collecting
Butchering curing and forwarding provisions of the Meat kind which
I shall do myself the Honour to communicate in my next,
P. S. by the law each Commissary is to collect and forward the
specific supply of His county & to make returns monthly, if this was
done I could know exactly what I could do, but as I am now to seek
returns and in many cases forward the provisions, it throws me
under difficulties and Great Imbarisments, I must therefore Intreat
that as soon as possible a sum of money be sent me to Enable me to
Execute your orders in forwarding the flour to this place.
June 12
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 72
[Dan'l of St. Thos Jenifer and Dan'l Carroll, Philad'a to His
Excellency T. S. Lee.]
Your Excellencys Letters of the 2d & 4th Instt came to hand last
If arms are to be had in Philadelphia for Flour, or Tobacco, we
shall endeavor to contract for them on behalf of the State. We wish
that you had mentioned the time and place of delivery of these Arti-
cles; essentials we apprehend necessary to be known before any per-
son will engage to make a Contract with us.
Had we experienced the most partial supply of Money, it would
have been of Service. Perhaps the intended scheme of raising money
from Tobacco may prove as abortive to us as that of Flour. We
have been reduced to the humiliating circumstance of attempting to
borrow without success. If the Tobo that Mr Key is to transport, lies
on Potomack, we cannot hope for any relief from it, as we shall be
under the necessity of decamping before he can get it to this place.
Congress hitherto, has refused to allow the Shipping of Flour for
the purpose of paying Debts contracted by our officers at New York.