June 11
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 107
[Dan of St Thos Jenifer and Dan'l Carroll, Philadelphia, to the
Honble President of the Senate and the Hon'ble Speaker of the
Ho. Del.]
We have the honor to inclose a Letter from his Excellency the
Commander in chief which we received last night, and which you will
be pleased to lay before the respective branches of the Legislature
over whom you preside
We have the honor to be with the highest regard and esteem
June 11
Red Book
No. s
Letter 108
[Go Washington, New Windsor, to Dan'l of St. Thomas Jenifer
and Dan'l Carroll, Esquires.]
I was this day honored with your favor of the 3d instant. I very
sensibly feel not only for the danger to which the states immedi-
ately invaded are exposed, but for the general bad consequences
which may ensue, if the enemy are permitted, at this time, to gain
and hold possession of a part of our Country, and I have been en-
deavouring to concert such plans with our Allies, as I hope will
eventually frustrate the projects which the enemy seem to have in
view. Nothing but an adherence to regular plans and systems can
ultimately be attended with salutary effects, and I flatter myself the
issue of those now in contemplation will justify the observation.
I have desired the Executives of the States of Pennsylvania, Dela-
ware and Maryland to send the Corps of Infantry — Artillery and
Cavalry, requested by the Resolution of the 31st of May, to the Head
Quarters of the Army in Virginia or in Maryland (should the enemy
have advanced into that state) as fast as they are raised and equipped
I cannot promise any further assistance as to Arms and Accoutre-
ments, having already forwarded to the Southward all that could
possibly be spared of those on hand.
The danger to which letters are exposed upon the communication
between this and Philadelphia, renders it unadvisable to enter into
details upon paper, but I beg: you to be assured, that the slender means,
with which I am yet furnished, shall be directed to the best of my
Abilities, to the general good. To those who are experiencing the
calamities of War, all relief only in prospect seems very far off, but
I trust the enemy will in the end repent the hasty advance which they
are now making.
I have the honor to be with very great Respect and Esteem Gentle-
men yr most obt Servant
June 12
Red Book
No. 26
Letter 106
[Petition of Samuel Fowler To the honorable Governor and Council]
Please your honour I Samuel fowler has made application to Col.
Adams I Being not fit for the service which I have Been Draftd in
a Class — which Please your honour I am a poor man Continuly
Subject to the Rumack' pains I have tryd to Get A man in my place
which I Cant Get no man.