[John Smith Brookes, Upper Marlbro, to The Honble The Governor
& Council.] (Favour of D. Craufurd Esqr)
I Received your letter of the 9th instant giving me directions for
the purchase and seizure of one hundred Beef Cattle. You refer me
to an Act of the Assembly for particular directions, which act you
have omitted to enclose. The present is therefore to request you will
forward me the act by the very first conveyance, as I cannot well set
about the business without it. I also beg you will give me some
directions how, and in what manner, I am to ascertain the Value of
each Beef; whether by the pound, or the gross, if by the pound, an
injustice will certainly arise to the People, and it is to be observed,
that notwithstanding the Beef is far from being fall, yet the holders
will Expect as much as if they realy were, because no expence is
to attend there being made so; therefore if I am to fix the price by
the pound, respect ought to be had to what they would weigh when
good Beef. I Pray you to give me your opinion upon the matter and
I will loose no time in having the business effected, as far as the
nature of the case will admit. I could have wished you had Pointed
out, what parts of the County you considered most immediately
subject to the Enemys Ravages. If I am to take the Beef generally,
I apprehend no difficulty will attend the number your mention being
had, but if I am confined to the shores, I fear the qty cannot be got
I shall be under the necessity of employing drivers, in such cases
certificates will not answer; I shall therefore be much obliged, if
you can furnish me with a small sum of Money. I have suffered
much for the noncompliance of some money contracts which I have
been unavoidably obliged to make, and cannot well make my returns
to you without a settlement of their demands, as the accounts stand
yet unsettled.
I have your favour of the 5th and have paid due regard to the con-
tents. I shall be much obliged, for an order on Mr Rozier for the
Barrels I wrote to you about — if you think proper to let me have them.
June 11
[John Smith Brookes, U. Marlbro, to The Honble The Governor
& Council.] (By Colo Lyles)
The Lieutenant of the County informs me that a number of the
Militia will rendevous at Mr Digges on Potomack River, and it will
be necessary for me to make the proper provision for them. I am
at a loss how to act, as not having any orders from you on the Sub-
ject — some erregularitys was committed at their last collection & I
shall be glad to receive your full instruction upon this subject
tis expected they will be furnished with Rum or rather whisky, and
the Commissary is called upon I have no orders from you for such
a procedure and cannot think of acting without such — therefore I
pray you will not omit to write me fully by the return of Majr Lyles
I hope to receive your answer to the letter I wrote this day — by
Mr Crawford
June 11