January 1-December 31, 1781 259
We expected by last Post that your Excellency would have in-
formed us what prospect you and the Council had of making remit-
tances for our subsistance. We are without Money, and almost with-
out Credit; and without a timely supply it will be impossible for us
to continue in Philadelphia.
P. S. By private information from New York, the Troops that
embarked at that place for Virga were the Grenadiers, 42 Regiment,
Anspackers & Boutons Jersey Battalion.
May 30
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 84
[Jos3 Beall, Lieut Ps Gs Cty to His Excellency Thomas Sim
Lee, Esqr.]
I have been obliged to put off the Draft of the Clases in this
county, on Acct of the Depreciated State of our money, some of the
Clases have offered to pay of in New Bills, but how I am to receive
them as Equal in Value to real money I am altogether at a loss. I
have appointd Next Tuesday for the Draft, hopeing by then to be
informed at What rates I am to receive the New Emission, If a line
could be sent by Lansdall the Post rider and Lodged with Mr Lyon
at Malbro, or by any other oppertunity to that place between this and
Tuesday, I shall know how to proceed, otherwise I shall be obliged
to put it off to a farther day. Unless some Spirited Meashurs are
Speedily adopted to put a Stop to the Villainous practices of such
as may be imployed among us by Brittons, and those of a mutch
leaser kind among ourselves who are influenced by their low mean
Averetious Principles, America must be ruined, And that very
It will be necessary to Collect & have repaired all the Arms that
are of Service in your County
May 30
[Don'l Yeates, D. Q. M., Head of Elk to the Governor and Council.]
As the Hon. the Genl Assembly of this State is now convened
Permit me to adress you again on the Subject of my former appli-
cations, as expectations are held by the United States of certain
supplies to be made from each State, when real circumstances are
viewed, it may be thought absolutely necessary to take some decisive
measures, that doubts may not remain in matters of such consequence
to the public, where the supplies are to come from, when I had the
honor of waiting on you I asked a small tempery supply of forage to
the different Posts within the state as a relief from distressed cir-
cumstances thro' the past winter season you were pleased to order it,
yet at this place I have not been furnished, and only in part at other
Posts, the Gent" acting for the State whom you directed to purchase,
informs me it can't be done unless I furnish the money, this I can't
do, tho' I have from necessity apply'd some money to that use, which
was directed to other purposes which renders the proper application
May 30