May 30
[William Gibbons, Elizabeth Town, to James Barnes, Esq.
Annapolis. ]
Am Sorry to be so troublesome but must request of you to make
application to the Governor & Council in my behalf as the Certifi-
cate sent by Mr Clagett is only a Copy of one granted Wm Gibbons
Junior who is a cousin of mine and settled about Thirty miles from
this the same name has led the Govr & Council into a mistake — should
it be thought necessary to have any for their recommendation than
that given by Doct. Brownson (who is Purveyor to the Southern
Army) to you & Col Sprigg I will apply to Mr Telfair one of the
Georgia Delegates now in this State who can certify my having taken
the Oathes prescribed by the State of Georgia have sat in their Coun-
cil and held a Commission in their Militia that I was burnt out &
drove by the Troops of the British King from that State with great
May 30
Red Book
No. 7
Letter 203
[Willm Grayson, War Office, to Gov. Lee.]
The Board do themselves the honor to transmit to you a resolution
of Congress of the 23rd instant, also a resolution of the 11th of April
last, by which you will discover that they depend upon the arrears
of specific supplies for the last Campaign which have not yet been
furnished by the different States to make good their engagements
with the Court of France.
As the honor and faith of the United States is so materially con-
cerned, there is every reason to expect the most decided exertions in
the States to enable Congress to comply with their contracts.
The Board request you will be pleased to acquaint them with your
expectations on this head and what they may probably depend on
May 30
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 84
[Dan'l of St. Thos Jenifer and Dan'l Carroll, Philadelphia, to
Gov. Lee.]
Congress was this day informed by a Letter from the Marquis de
la Fayette dated at Richmond the 24th that Lord Cornwallis and
his Army consisting of Tarltons Legion, Hamiltons Corps 23 — 33 &
71 Regiments a Hessian Regiment, light infantry and Guards, and
200 Tories with 6 field peices had joined General Arnold at Peters-
burgh the 20th Inst That he the Marquis had but 900 Continentals
besides Militia to oppose to this force which would oblige him to act
on the defensive. He further informs, that a British Fleet of Trans-
ports convoyed by three Frigates had arrived at Hampton; that on
the 22d 12 Sail of Ships a Sloop and a Schooner, got under way
opposite James Town, the ships full of Men and Horses, the 24th a
body landed from the ships at Westover, and the same day Lord Corn-
wallis moved from Petersburgh towards Richmond: to this disagree-
able intelligence, Congress has received advice from the westward
that an expedition from the Lakes against Pittsburg is meditated.