May 23
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 82
[John Scott, Robt Maxwell, James Claypoole, Saml Davis, Kent
County, Chester Town, to Gov Lee. ]
We beg leave to mention to your Excellency; That some of the
Gentn in the last Commission of the Peace for this County never have
qualified, or can we hear that they intend doing it, and that we are
greatly in want of Magistrates to do the business. We beg therefore
to recommend to your Excellency to give us a new Commission of
the Peace; and to leave out those who have not as yet Acted in this
Station. They are William Granger, Thomas Smyth Jr William
Maxwell, and Isaac Freeman And that your Excellency, will please
to put in their Places; Doctr Thomas Vandyke, John Bolton, Colonel
Richard Graves, and Abraham Falconar. We also recommend,
Doctr Vandyke to be put in as a Justice of the Orphans Court In-
stead of Thomas Smyth Junr
May 23
[Joseph Nelson, Charles County To his Excellency Thomas Simm
Lee Esquire]
The petition of Joseph Nelson of Port Tobacco parish and Charles
County most humbly Sheweth that a Presentment was rendered
against him by the Grand Inquest for the Body of Charles County
by which he was charged with having assaulted a certain Virlinder
Haislup upon which Presentment at last November term be sub-
mitted to the Court who imposed a Fine of Thirty pounds State