place of Security, when I returned to Mr Diggses, I understood
Colll Lyles had sent some men Down the river on horse back who
returned and informed him they saw the Enemie under way nearly as
Low down the river as Maryland Point on which he had Discharged
all the Militia below Piscatoway Creek without my orders upon
which I discharged the Militia above. As I shall be under some difi-
culty with respect to rates of hire, of horses & carriages, I shall be
mutch oblige to your Excelly to let me know what they are otherwise
I shall be mutch Pusselled about settleing & paying the Expence
Occasioned by this Alarm, Likewise what is to be allowed the men in
Leiu of their rations, as many of them have drawn no provision
from the commissary, Neither did he Acquaint me, who the persons
were he had appointed to Issue rations. I receivd yours respecting
the raising a body of light horse in this county, which I am now
convinced will be very Esential in opposing the Enemie for their
Attempts on the property of the people; I would wish to know the
terms on which they are to be raised, whether to find their own horses,
and how they are to be recompenced in Case of Loss, were I able
to inform the people in those points, I think there will be no diffi-
culty in raising them in a short time. I have not yet seen the Act
past last Sessions relative to the Militia, I have ordered a fresh class
of the Militia to be made out in such a manner that the officers & men
who live most convenient to the rivers may be confined to their Touer
of duty on the river they live nearest to, which will save loss of time
Trouble & Expence in marching them from one river to another
on any immergencey I dont know how far the Law may support me,
but I think the Necessity of the times will justifie the measure, And
have therefore ordered a sceizure of all the arms in the county,
and such as can be made fit for Use to be put into the hands of some
person to be repaired, wee have a man near this Town who has been
an Armorer in the Army who they say is a good hand but rather Idle,
and might require a person to overlook him, Mr John Turnbull an
inhabitant here who has proved himself a Zealous & Active person
in our Cause would make an Exceeding good hand for this purpose,
should your Excellency or Honors approve of this Scheeme.
[P. S.] Just before closing this John Turnbull Quarter Master of
the Upper Battalion who I had ordered to press men and horses to
Guard the prisoners to Annapolis informs me that many persons
who he pressed for that purpose absolutely refuesed to go them-
selves or let him have their horses, if some Steps are not taken with
those people it will be impossible for me to forward any busness
List of the Officers & men who captured the Boat Crew.
Lieut Osborn Williams; J. Queen, Ensign; John Oakley appointed
to Act on this occasion as Brigade Major; Henry Lyles, Guide.
April 17