186 Letters to the Governor and Council
April 13
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 104
am now waiting your orders on the Eastern Shore Treasury as it
is in vain for me to go down without it, do flatter myself the Teams
from this neighbourhood will be returned as soon as possible,
P. S. Just now came hear a Mr Shearer from Newcastle Dela-
ware who says He spoke the Captain of a Brigg from the Capes of
Delaware who assured Him that He had been in Company with the
second Division of the french fleet consisting of nine Ships of the
Line and a number of Transports which He says every body cred-
ited at New Castle, and that He Left the Fleet Just off the Capes of
April 13
[Dan'l Hughes, Balt., to Gov. Lee.]
As I intend to remove from this on thirdsday next to Washing-
ton County, some person will be wanting to take charge of the
Seamen Prisoners of war. If you choose them to be sent forward
under the Continental line of Exchange before I leave this, they
shall be sent. If I should not hear from you, I will get Major Smith
to take charge of them.
April 13
Red Book
No. 7
Letter 213
[Richard Peters, By order, War office, to Gov. Lee]
The Board having been for some time apprehensive for the Safety
of the Provisions belonging to the United States in the States of Dela-
ware & Maryland, have directed the Commissy General of Pur-
chases to proceed immediately to those States & cause the stores to
be removed to Places of Security. We are therefore to request your
Excelleicy & The Honble Council that every assistance in your Power
may be afforded him in guarding & transporting the Provisions. We
have made a similar request to the Honble Council of the Eastern
Shore of your State.
April 13
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 62
[Stephen Steward, West River, to the Honnebell Governer
& Counsell]
Honnebell Gentellmen I shuld have waited on you before now
but am so unwell I am not able to Ride you may Depend I will be up
on Munday If I am able to Ride
April 14
[Jno. Hammond, Head of Severn, to Gov. Lee.]
I am to request your order to Captn Philn Warfield, for the Re-
delivery of my Flatt & Barge to me, which now lie in a ruinous Con-
dition at Indn Landing; the former lying high & dry on the Beach,
& being robb'd of the Oars belonging to her, tho' branded with my
proper Mark; and the latter, having (as I am informed) one of her
Gunnels broke loose; two thirds of her Chain stolen off, and her
Oars also taken away; that it seems, a Guard are paid for the safe
Custody of them. The Flat was sent down by me, to Mr John Halls,
Salt works, in Consequence of a Letter recd from Mr Elijuh Robas-
son, informing, it was your Command, My Vessel should be removed