Arms, if to be spared, we have hired a Carriage to bring what the
Governor and Council may be pleased to send.
We are just informed that Benedict was burnt last night by the
enemy, and that they were proceeding up the River, but of this there
is no authentic accot.
April 11
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 68
[W. Bordley, Chester Town, Kent Co'ty, to The honble Mathew
Tilghman, Esq. President of the Eastern Shore Council]
Agreeable to request I have ordered the arms to be distributed
among the militia who could be most depended on & whose situation
was most exposed to the depredations of the Enemy.
Since which I sent a row boat over to Annapolis for such Arms
&c as were to be lodged at this Town & have received the articles as
to list. The two Field peices & the Iron Shott Capt Tilden could not
bring. The arms are mostly old & partly worn out — these kind of
arms if they contract the least particle of rust will not fire. I am
persuaded the Council will give us our proportion of the new arms
allotted for the defence of the eastern Shore & they may depend on
having all their orders strictly observed & punctually executed, Major
Dean has come to this Town in order to take charge of the recruits,
he wants about 120 Musketts to put into the hands of our recruits
& those he expects from other Counties; this scheme I think advis-
able, as the recruits may be easily train'd the most of which having
been already on duty & should Baltimore Town be attacked, as we
have reason to expect, our county will be greatly exposed. I can
furnish him with 78 Musketts which I receiv'd from Baltimore, the
other fifteen being sent the other night on an alarm to Quaker Neck.
Mr Sturges is making canteens & promises to be expeditious about
them, Slings will be wanting for those he makes, as well as a consider-
able number in our armoury, I will endeavour to have Cartridges
made & shall want Lead, ours being nearly exhausted having lately
run a good many bullets & have been making for our use. I have
just spoke to Mr Harragan about the baggage Waggon he tells me
that he has laid aside other work & will make the waggon with all
possible dispatch. I saw Colo Graves yesterday who informs me that
he has been over to Baltimore that they are preparing Barges gener-
ally on the western shore that he has made every necessary enquiry
& will finish our Barge completely with all possible expedition. I
have this day receiv'd 18 Muskett Locks from Annapolis, we have
forty Barrells at least & could we be supplied with mounting they
might be stocked here very soon we have this morning received a
Letter from Capt James Nicholson dated 11th instant head of Elk.
who informs that the detachment under the Marquis are under
marching orders for Baltimore Town. Genl Foreman from the
Jerseys writes congress that he has intelligence from N York which
he can depend on; That a large embarkation was going from thence
April 12