Her and her sons Wearing Apparel, Provisions reserved for the
support of her Family, with her Bear Cloaths intire &c was taken
from her. It is hoped a bare representation of this unfortunate
event will avail with the truly Good & Great, and induce them to
relieve the unhappy sufferer, by Contributing somewhat out of their
abundance to alleviate her distresses To the Petitioner it is an Addi-
tional Agravation of Misfortune to be compelled to Implore Assis-
tance. Nothing but dire Necessity could have Infered and incited this
method of Publickly calling on the Benevolent and Humane on this
Occasion, not doubting but among such she shall find somewhat to
recompence her losses and Gladen her aged Heart, every Benefaction
will be received with thankfulness and gratitude.
April 7
[Baruch Williams, to His Excelly Thomas Sim Lee, Esq]
Cecil County Court meets on Tuesday next which occasions my
Immediate return home I am sorry that I could not wait, but am
in hopes Colo Hollingsworth will answer the same end. My Ac-
count is settled with the Auditor, nearly all the Ballance is still due to
Persons in the County who are in want of the money. I have left it
with Colo Hollingsworth by whom I wish the money may be sent.
If I do not get it I am Certain that I shall not be able to Purchase any
article on Credit again for the State.
If I am to Purchase Corn and Hay for the Post at Elk I shall want
Money for that purpose.
April 7
[James Wood, Frederick Town to Gov. Lee.]
I have been Honoured with your Letter of the 3d Instant and
immediately forwarded your Dispatches to Colonel Rawlings & Mr
Sprigg since which Colo Rawlings has been so obliging as appears
to be very Different from what your Honble Board seemed to Expect,
and which the Colonel has Promised to represent the first opportunity.
I find it altogether out of my Power to Procure a Sufficient sum of
money to Bear the Expences of an Officer, Directed to be sent with
the British officers to Connecticut, and have been obliged to make a
merit of necessity, in allowing them to remain till the 25th in Order
to adjust their Affaires, by which time, it is Probable your Treasury
will be able to Comply with the requisition of Congress. An appli-
cation has been made to me by a Surgeon Carroll to Permit him to
go on a visit for a few Days to Mr Carroll's on Elk Ridge, which
I have declined unless you shou'd think proper to signify your Ap-
probation of it. Colo Price, I am informed has Collected five or six
Beeves, and as we are Greatly Distressed for meat, I hope your
Excellency will Direct him to deliver them to the Issuing Com-
missary .
April 7
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 15