Mr John Courts, deceased. Mr Hammond, from the Committee of
Laws, delivers to Mr Speaker an Address to his Excellency the
Governor; which was read, approved, and ordered to be Ingrossed.
The House Adjourns until 2 of the Clock post Meridiem The
House met according to adjournment.
Dr Buchanan and Mr Wilkinson appeared in the House. Capt.
Tilghman is added to the Committee of Laws. Dr Buchanan is
added to the Committee of Accounts. Mr Hammond, from the
Committee of Laws delivers to Mr Speaker the following Ingrossed
address; Viz.
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland.
The humble address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency
We his Majestie's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of the province of Maryland, in Assembly con-
vened, return your Excellency our hearty Thanks for your kind
speech at the opening of this Session. The continuance of the Friend-
ship of the six Nations of Indians will at all times be very agreeable
to us, and we shall forthwith take under our Consideration the
papers from the president and Council of Pennsilvania, which you
have been pleased to lay before us and give the same, as well as all
other matters which may occur due attention and the utmost Dis-
patch; and we hope in the Course of our Public Deliberations there
will arise no other Subject of Dispute between the branches of the
Legislature, than which shall be most forward in promoting the
real Interest of the good people of this province We readily ac-
knowledge with yr Excellency, that the reducing the Laws of this
province to the greatest Certainty must add to the security of prop-
erty, and the promotion of Industry; and we are determined never
to Omit any opertunity whereby we can testify our regard to either
as the Situation and Climate of this province leave room for greater
Improvement in the product and Trade thereof, which is our strong-
est Inclination, and shall be our Endeavour to promote; so we shall
always hope, from yr Excellency's kind Expressions, to meet with
your Concurrence in whatever may Contribute thereto.
Which was read and assented to and signed by order of the House
by the Honble Speaker Doctr Carroll and Majr Hall were ordered
to acquaint the Governor, this House hath prepared an Address to
him, and desires to know when and where he will please to receive it
They return, and acquaint Mr Speaker, the Governor Signified he
would be ready to receive the address in an Hours time in the Con-
ference Chamber. Mr Hammond and thirteen more were ordered to
present the address to the Governor, on reading the remonstrance
and Petition of the Justices of Prince George's County Court, re-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 11