66 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 10
vided against this abuse to be duly put in Execution. As to that
part of the message we have mentioned, which relates to Governor
Shirley's Letter and proposals, we are not Informed of any further
accounts received from him since our last meeting and therefore our
Sentiments on that occasion at this Time will, we presume, be of
little use.
Signed by order of the House
John Kinsey, Speaker
11th Mo. 9th 1747
[Letters of Conrad Weiser and Council of Pennsylvania, see
pages 4-8]
p. 756
The House adjourns until the morrow Morning g of the Clock
May 11
Wednesday Morning May 11th 1748
The House met according to adjournment; all Members were
present as Yesterday.
Messieurs John Gresham, Richard Gresham John Addison &
William Thomas appeared in the House. The House appoints Mr
Hammond Dr'Carroll, Mr Lloyd Col. Hooper, Major Hall Mr Harris
and Majr Henry a Committee of Laws, Mr Smith Mr Worthington
Mr Smallwood Mr John Gresham, Mr John Goldsborough Capt.
Ennalls and Col. Dashiel, a Committee of Elections and privileges
Dr Carroll Mr Richard Gresham, Mr Paca Colo Hooper, Mr Stod-
dert & Mr John Goldsborough, A Committee of Aggrievances and
Courts of Justice
p. 757
Col King Mr Worthington Mr Wootton and Colo Dashiel, A Com-
mittee of Accounts Mr Smith Mr Wootton, Major Hall Mr Thomas
Col. Hooper and Mr Addison a Committee to inspect the State and
Condition of the Arms and Ammunition and Accounts relating
thereto. Colo Henry Capt. Stoddert and Mr Edward Tilghman a
Committee to Inspect the office and proceedings of the Commis-
sioners or Trustees for emitting Bills [of] Credit established by Act
of Assembly. The House continued the several Clerks to the Commit-
tees as were last Session. Resolved That the Hours of sitting to Dis-
patch public Business this Session, be from 9 of the Clock in the
Forenoon until 12 and from 2 of the Clock in the afternoon, until 6.
Ordered That Mr Worthington acquaint the Revd Mr Gordon, that
he is desired by this House to read Divine Service Daily during this
Session, at 7 o'clock in the Morning, and at 6 of the Clock in the
afternoon ordered that the Committee of Laws do prepare an Ad-
dress to the Governor On his Speech ordered That Mr Speaker
issue his Warrant to the Secretary of this Province to make out a
new Writ of Election, directed to the Sheriff of Charles County, to
elect a member to serve in this present Assembly in the Room of