634 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
inspected by the aforesaid Commissioners, or the major Part of them,
and after the same is compleated, shall be lodged with, and delivered
to the Clerk of the same County, to be by him kept amongst the
Records of the same County.
[How he is
to be paid.]
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall limit and ascertain what Fees their Clerk
aforesaid shall have and receive for the several Services by him to be
done, by Virtue of this Act, to be paid by the several Persons taking
up the Lots aforesaid.
[Two Fairs
to be held
annually in
the said
And whereas it may be advantageous to the said Town to have
Fairs kept therein, and may prove an Encouragement to the back
Inhabitants and others to bring Commodities there to sell and vend :
Be it Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Commission-
ers of the said Town, to appoint two Fairs to be held therein annu-
ally, the one Fair to begin on the second Thursday in April, and the
other on the first Thursday in October, annually; which said Fairs
shall be held each for the Space of three Days, and that during the
Continuance of such Fair or Fairs, all Persons within the Bounds
of the said Town shall be privileged and free from Arrests, except
for Felony or Breach of the Peace; and all Persons coming to such
to Persons
the said
Fair or Fairs, or returning therefrom, shall have the like Privilege
of one Day before the Fair, and one Day on their Return therefrom :
And the Commissioners for the said Town are hereby impowered
to make such Rules and Orders for the holding the said Fairs, as may
tend to prevent all Disorders and Inconveniencies that may happen
in the said Town, and such as may tend to the Improvement and
regulating of the said Town in general; so as such Rules, except in
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Fair-Time, affect none but Livers in the said Town, or such Person
or Persons as shall have a Lot or Freehold therein; any Law, Statute,
Usage, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided al-
ways, That such Rules and Orders be not inconsistent with the Laws
of this Province, nor the Statutes or Customs of Great-Britain.
[ Commis-
sioners to
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners for the said
Town, or the major Part of them, from Time to Time, and at all
Times, shall Have Power to remove all Nusances that they shall find
in any of the Streets or Alleys of said Town. Provided nevertheless,
That this Act, nor any Thing herein contained, shall extend, or be
construed to extend, to enable or capacitate the said Commissioners
or Inhabitants of the said Town to elect or choose Delegates, or Bur-
gesses, to sit in the General Assembly of this Province, as Represen-
tatives of the said Town: But it is hereby Enacted, that the Com-
missioners or the Inhabitants of the said Town shall not elect or
choose any Delegate or Delegates, Burgess or Burgesses, to repre-
sent the said Town in any General Assembly of this Province.