Acts. 633
for that Purpose limited and appointed, shall lose such, and the
Estate of such Taker-up so neglecting as aforesaid shall from hence-
forth cease and determine, and such Lot or Lots so neglected to be
built upon shall be subject to be again taken up by any other Person
whatsoever; which second Taker-up, paying to the Commissioners
aforesaid the Price thereof so as aforesaid assessed, and Entry
thereof made as aforesaid, and building thereon as before directed
Liber B. L. C.
within the Time before limited after such second taking up, shall
have the like Estate in such Lot or Lots as the first Takers-up, who
shall comply with the Requisites before mentioned are herein before
declared to have; and so Totius Quoties, until the same Lots shall be
built on and improved as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, That the Money aforesaid, directed to
be paid to the Commissioners aforesaid, for the Lots not built on and
improved by the first or other Takers-up within the Time herein
limited, shall and is hereby directed to be applied to such Purposes,
for the Use and Benefit of the said Town, as to the said Commission-
ers, or the major Part of them, shall seem meet.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Surveyor of the County aforesaid, or any other Person whom the
Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, shall appoint
to survey and lay out the Lands aforesaid, as before herein directed,
[How the
Money paid
by Persons
to build is
to be
to make a
plat of the
said Town.]
shall make out a fair and exact Plat of the Town aforesaid, and
Survey thereof, whereby each Lot, Street, Lane, and Alley may
appear to be well distinguished by their respective Numbers and
Names; and the same Plat, with a full and plain Certificate thereof,
shall deliver to the Commissioners as aforesaid, or the major Part
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of them, to be entered and Reposited as hereafter directed: And
that the said Surveyor, or other Person appointed as aforesaid, shall
have and receive for surveying and laying out the Town aforesaid,
and making the Plat aforesaid, the Sum of one thousand Pounds of
Tobacco, to be payed and allowed in the County Levy, and no more.
[Reward to
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, shall, and are
hereby required to employ some sufficient Person for their Clerk, and
shall administer an Oath to such Clerk for the due Performance of
his Office; which Clerk shall and is hereby obliged to find and pro-
vide a good well bound Book, for registring and entring the Pro-
ceedings of the said Commissioners in the Premises, and shall duly
and faithfully register and enter in such Book the Certificate of the
Survey aforesaid, the Prices of each respective Lot, the Name of
the Owner, and the Time of it's being taken up and paid for, or of
the Tender or Refusal as aforesaid; and all other the Transactions
and Proceedings of the aforesaid Commissioners whatsoever, in and
about the Town aforesaid: Which said Register, together with the
Plat or Survey of the same Town, shall be carefully examined and
sioners to
appoint a