Acts. 629
men, and Churchwardens of the said Parish for the Time being, two
Acres of Land, lying in Worcester County, in the Parish aforesaid,
near to the present Dwelling Plantation of a certain Angelo Atkin-
son, on a Tract of Land belonging to Mr. John Scott; and to treat
and agree with such Person or Persons as they or the major Part
of them shall think proper to employ, to build a Chapel of Ease
thereon, for the Use of the Inhabitants of the said Parish: Which
said Land, when so purchased, and the said Chapel so built, the same
shall be, and is hereby declared to be constituted and deemed the
Land and Chapel of Ease of the said Parish, and the said Chapel for
ever hereafter shall be supported and repaired at the Charge of the
said Parish.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it further Enacted, That the Justices of Somerset and
Worcester County Courts for the Time being, shall be, and they are
hereby authorized, directed, and required to assess and levy on the
taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, any Sum not exceeding one
hundred and fifty Pounds Current Money by three equal Assess-
ments, in the Years of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and
fifty-one, One thousand seven hundred and fifty-two, and One thou-
sand seven hundred and fifty-three, together with the Sheriff's Sal-
ary of five per Cent for collecting the same; which said Assessments
shall be respectively made by the Justices aforesaid, in Proportion
to the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish of Coventry, residing
in their several and respective Counties, and to be paid by the Parish-
ioners aforesaid by the tenth Day of April yearly: Which said
Assessments to be levied shall be collected by the Sheriff of Somer-
set and Sheriff of Worcester Counties, from the several taxable
Persons of the said Parish, who shall reside within their Counties
respectively; and the said Sum of Money when so as aforesaid col-
lected, shall be paid by such Sheriffs respectively to the Vestrymen
and Churchwardens aforesaid, who are hereby authorized and re-
quired to receive and apply the same to the Uses aforesaid.
[Money to
be levied for
the Purposes
8th June 1751
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Propry
of this Province I will
this be a Law.
Sam: Ogle
The Great Seal in
wax appendant
8th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J. Ross, Cl Up. H.
An Act to repeal Part of an Act entituled, An Act to encourage the
destroying of Squirrels and Crows in the several Counties therein
No. 24
p. 545
Be it Lnacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
[Part of an