628 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
at the laying their next Levy for the said County, to assess and levy
on the taxable Inhabitants of the said County a Quantity not exceed-
ing the Sum of twenty-five thousand Pounds of Tobacco, besides
the Sheriff's Salary for collecting the same: Which Quantity of
Tobacco, when collected, the said Justices shall be, and they are
hereby impowered and directed to apply, and pay for and towards
building a Prison for the said County, for the Time being; and the
Surplus thereof, if any such shall be, shall be, and is hereby directed
to be by the said Justices applied and disposed towards defraying
the Charge of the said County.
8th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl. lo. ho.
On the behalf of the
Right Honourable the
Lord Propry of this
Province I will this be a
Sam: Ogle
The Great Seal in
wax appendt
8 June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J. Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
No. 23
An Act to enable the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of Coventry
Parish, lying partly in Somerset and Worcester Counties, to pur-
chase two Acres of Land, at some Place between Dividing and
Nassaongo Creeks in Worcester County, fit and convenient to build
a Chapel of Ease on; and to assess the Parishioners of the said
Parish with a certain Sum of Current Money for compleating
the same.
p. 544
Whereas sundry Inhabitants of the upper Part of Coventry Pa-
rish, which lies in Worcester County, have by their humble Petition
to this present General Assembly set forth, that they have for a long
Time been destitute of enjoying the religious Benefit of Divine Ser-
vice, Sermons, and other Parts of the Ministerial Function, without
the greatest Fatigue to them and their Families, occasioned by the
great Distance which they live from any Church or Chapel in said
Parish; the nearest of which is at least twenty-four Miles from
some of them, and in Winter the Ways almost unpassable: And
that the Place called the Old Court-House, wherein Divine Service
used to be performed before the Division of Somerset County, is
now become a private Property.
[Two Acres
of Land
to be
for building
a Chapel of
Ease on.]
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of
Coventry Parish aforesaid (which lies partly in Somerset County,
and other Part in Worcester County aforesaid), for the Time being,
or the major Part of them, be and are hereby authorized, impowered
and required to purchase in Fee, in the Name of the Rector, Vestry-