Acts. 605
who made such Tobacco; and also except Inspecting-Houses, and
other Houses used by Inspectors for the convenient carrying on and
Execution of the Inspection-Laws), if the Person having the Care
of such Place be present, and will immediately permit such Entry,
or if the Party having the Care of such Place be not then present, or
being present will not permit such Entry, then to enter forcibly, into
such or any other such suspected Place, and there to search for any
such Tobacco as aforesaid; and the same being found, to take, re-
move and carry away, not only such Tobacco as the said Search is, or
shall be particularly made for, but also all such trashy or unmer-
chantable Tobacco as shall be then there found, to the next Inspecting-
House, by such Officer or Officers aforesaid; and in Case neither of
the Inspectors attending that House shall happen to be present, then
the said Magistrate, or Warrant Officer or Officers, or one of them
shall be, and he or they are hereby authorized and required to sum-
mons one or both of the said Inspectors immediately to attend at
such Warehouse: And it is hereby declared to be the Duty of such
Liber B. L. C.
Inspectors or Inspector immediately to attend upon such Summons
accordingly, and such Inspectors or Inspector so attending, shall
search, view, and examine such Tobacco; and if upon such View,
Search, and Examination, the said Tobacco or any considerable
Proportion thereof, shall appear to him or them to be such as he or
they are by an Act entituled, "An Act for amending the Staple of
Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for
the Limitation of Officers Fees," obliged, as Inspectors, to pass; that
IWhat is
to be done
with trashy
when found.]
then the same or such Part thereof, shall be by him or them in all
Respects treated, dealt with, and managed, as other Tobacco by them
passed is, by the aforesaid and other Acts of Assembly relating to
the Inspection of Tobacco, directed; the Party owning or claiming
such Tobacco paying or allowing to the Warrant Officer or Officers
after the Rate of one Shilling Current Money, for every hundred
Pounds of such Tobacco as shall as aforesaid pass Inspection, for
carrying the same to such Inspecting-House; which Rate or Propor-
tion the Inspectors are hereby authorized and required to demand
and receive of the Person who claims such Tobacco, before they
permit the same to be taken out of the Inspecting-House; and which
Rate or Proportion, after the Receipt thereof as aforesaid, shall be
by the said Inspectors paid to such Warrant Officer or Officers, or
p. 525
his or their Order, upon Demand: And in case such Tobacco, or
any Part thereof, as aforesaid, upon such View and Examination
as aforesaid, shall not by such Inspectors or Inspector be passed,
then such Tobacco, or such Part thereof as shall not pass Inspection
as aforesaid, shall by such Inspectors or Inspector (after being by
him or them weighed) be immediately burnt: And the said Warrant
Officer or Officers shall have and receive, as a Reward for his or
their Diligence in the Execution of this Clause of this present Act,
after the Rate of one Shilling Current Money, for every hundred
[All seize'd
which will
not pass
to be burnt.]