604 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
arise by Prosecution upon Indictment, if the Informer shall not,
upon Conviction, make his Claim (and which Claim, when made,
shall be entered upon the Clerk's Docket) to the Moiety in open
Court, then and in such Case, the whole of such Penalty shall be to
and for the Use of the County where such Offence shall be com-
mitted, to be applied towards defraying the Charge of Inspection
as aforesaid.
[Either of
the Parties
against this
Act, to be
and intitled
to the
Reward, on
against, and
the other
p. 524
And for the further discovering and punishing so pernicious a
Practice, Be it likewise Enacted, That if either of the Parties, Of-
fenders as aforesaid, shall make such Information against the other
Party or Parties so as aforesaid offending, and shall prosecute such
other Party or Parties, so that he, she, or they be of the Offences
aforesaid, or either of them, lawfully convict (to which Purpose
any or either of the Parties aforesaid are hereby enacted and de-
clared to be good and sufficient Evidence), such Person so as afore-
said informing and prosecuting, shall not only be indempnified and
saved harmless from any Prosecution for the said Offence, but shall
also be intitled to have and receive the same Rewards allowed as
aforesaid; and shall have and receive, as a further Encouragement,
the further Sum of Three Pence Current Money for every Pound
of such Tobacco, to his sole and separate Use; to be recovered,
where the Penalty shall not exceed fifty Shillings Current Money,
before a single Magistrate, as in Case of small Debts, to be made a.
Part of the Judgment of such Magistrate; and where such Penalty
shall exceed the said Sum, then and in such Case to be recovered in
the County Court where such Offence shall so happen, or the Party
resided, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information, or Indictment,
to his sole and separate Use as aforesaid, to be made a Part of the
Judgment of the Court, upon such Conviction against such Offender.
to search
Places, on
And be it further Enacted, That as often as any Magistrate shall
be informed by any credible Person, on Oath, or Affirmation if a
Quaker, that he suspects and verily believes some trashy or unmer-
chantable Tobacco is or shall be in any particular Tobacco-House,
Storehouse, Warehouse, Barn or other Outhouse, Ship, or other
Vessel, Inclosure, or other Place whatsoever, it shall and may be
lawful to and for such Magistrate, and he is hereby authorized and
required, immediately upon such Information as aforesaid, either to
raise and compell Assistance, and to proceed himself, or by War-
rant under his Hand and Seal, directed to such Informer singly, or
with others jointly and severally, or to any other Person or Persons
jointly and severally, thereby authorizing and directing him or them
to compell Assistance and to proceed forthwith to such or any other
such suspected Place as aforesaid, and there quietly enter it (except
such House or Place be on the Plantation where such trashy or un-
from such
merchantable Tobacco shall appear, by the Oath, or Affirmation if
a Quaker, of the Owner, or of any other credible Person, to have
been made, or on some other Plantation belonging to such Person