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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 567

A Petition of Thomas Franklin, of Baltimore County, Gentleman,
preferred to this House, complaining, That the Sheriff of said
County had, contrary to Law, returned Mr. Walter Tolley a Dele-
gate to serve in this Assembly, in the Room and Place of him the said
Petitioner; and praying that the Sheriff of the said County be or-
dered to attend this House, with the Polls taken for the Petitioner
and the several Candidates, at the said Election; was read, and
ordered to lie on the Table.
Col. Sprigg, from the Committee of Elections and Privileges, de-
livers to Mr. Speaker the following Report; viz.

By the Committee of Elections and Privileges, June 1, 1751.
Your Committee having inspected the Writs directed to the Sheriff
of Queen Anne's County and Baltimore County, for electing Depu-
ties and Delegates to serve in this General Assembly :

Do find, That Mr. John Tillotson, Member of Queen Anne's
County, is duly returned :

That Mr. John Matthews and Walter Tolley, Members of Balti-
more County, are duly returned.

Your Committee beg Leave to represent to your Honourable
House, That Mr. Walter Tolley acted as an Inspector until the first
Day of December, in the Year of our Lord 1749.
All which is submitted to the Consideration of your Honourable
Signed per Order, Thomas Harwood, junior,
Clerk of the Committee.
On reading the said Report, the House concurs therewith; and
Resolved, That the Election of the said Mr. Walter Tolley is void,
inasmuch as it appears that he hath acted as an Inspector, within two
Years next before the said Election.
On reading the Petition of Mr. Thomas Franklin; Ordered, That
Thomas Sheredine, Esq; Sheriff of Baltimore County, do attend this
House on Monday the third Day of June Instant; and that he bring
with him the Poll taken for the said Thomas Franklin, and the
several Polls taken by him the said Sheriff, for the several Candi-
dates at the last Election had for the said County.
The Bill entituled, An Act to annex certain Extra-parochial Lands,
&c. was read the second Time, and passed.
The Governor communicates to Mr. Speaker the following Mes-
sage; viz.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 1

p. 140

Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
In your Address relating to the Papers laid before you from the
Governors of New York and Pennsylvania, you observe, That those
two Governments are greatly concerned in Trade with the several
Nations of Indians in Alliance with the English, whereas we neither

p. 141

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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