Acts. 491
Bond shall and may, if Occasion be, be sued for any Breach of the
Condition thereof by such Inspector, committed during the Absence
of such sick or disabled Inspector.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it further Enacted, That if it shall hereafter happen, that
both the Inspectors at any House should at the same Time be sick
or disabled, and thereby prevented from attending their Duty; that
then, and in such Case only, it shall and may be lawful for each of
the said Inspectors, and they and each of them are hereby required,
to nominate and appoint one other Person, being a sufficient Planter,
and well skilled in Tobacco, which two Persons so as aforesaid to be
appointed, are to view, inspect, pass, and stamp, or refuse, the To-
bacco brought to the said House during the Sickness or Disability
of such sick or disabled Inspectors; each of the said two Persons so
appointed first taking the Oath of Office (or Affirmation if a
Quaker), directed by the Act entituled, An Act for amending the
Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs,
and for the Limitation of Officers Fees, to be taken by Inspectors :
And the said sick or disabled Inspectors, and their Sureties shall
still be answerable for the said Tobacco, so by the Persons by them
severally appointed, in the same Manner as if they, and each of
them, had personally officiated.
[What is
done in case
both In-
should be
And whereas it is by the before recited Act enacted, " That all
Public and County Levies, Parochial Charges, and Attorneys Fees,
that shall be paid in Tobacco, Clergy's Allowances, and all Officers
Fees, payable in Tobacco, shall be paid and satisfied by the Persons
chargeable with and indebted for the same, to the respective Sher-
iffs, by Inspectors Notes before the tenth Day of June yearly, during
the Continuance of that Act; and if any Person chargeable with
Levies, Parochial Charges, Clergy's Allowances, and Fees as afore-
[Part of an
Act recited.]
said, shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within the Time afore-
said, it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs, immediately after
the said tenth Day of June, to distrain the Goods and Chattels of the
Person or Persons so neglecting and refusing; and to sell and dis-
pose thereof at the Expiration of five Days after Distress made for
Tobacco, at public Auction; all which shall be done by the said Sher-
iff without Fee or Reward; and the Overplus, if any be beyond what
will satisfy the Demands aforesaid, shall be returned to the Debtor.
Provided always, That when any Person, who shall be indebted for
Public or County Levies, Clergy's Dues, Parochial Charges, Officers
and Attorneys Fees, shall refuse to shew Tobacco to the Sheriff,
or any other Goods or Chattels to be distrained; that then and in
such Cases it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriff to take such
Person in Execution for such Levies, Dues, Charges and Fees :
And the Sheriffs shall before the last Day of June, yearly, pay and
deliver to each Creditor, according to their respective Debts or
Claims, all the Inspectors Notes he hath received in Satisfaction
p. 513