490 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
within the said Time, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of
the said Act :
[No To-
bacco to be
between the
last Day of
August and
the loth
Day of
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That from henceforth it shall not be lawful
for any the said Inspectors to inspect or pass any Hogshead or Par-
cel of Tobacco, at any Time between the last Day of August and the
tenth Day of November yearly; unless such Hogshead or Parcel of
Tobacco be brought to, and left at the said Inspection-House,, on or
before the said last Day of August yearly. And that if any Inspector
or Inspectors shall presume to inspect or pass any Hogshead or
[Penalty in
case of
Parcel of Tobacco, between the said last Day of August and the
tenth Day of November yearly, he or they so offending shall forfeit
and pay twenty Shillings Current Money, for every hundred Pounds
of Tobacco so by him or them inspected, to be recovered, if the same
does not exceed the Sum of ten Pounds Current Money, before any
Magistrate in the County where the Offence shall be committed, as
in case of small Debts; and if the Penalty exceed the said Sum of
ten Pounds, then to be recovered in the Court of the said County,
p. 512
by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoin,
Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed: The one Half of
all which Penalties shall be applied to the Use of the Informer, or
such Person who shall sue for the same; and the other Half thereof
to the several and respective Counties, to defray the Expence that
hath or may accrue in the due Execution of the first recited Act.
[What is to
be done in
case of an
And forasmuch as it is found to be inconvenient, that on the
Sickness of either of the Inspectors at one House, one other In-
spector should be called from the next adjacent Warehouse: For
Remedy whereof, Be it likewise Enacted, That from henceforth it
shall and may be lawful, in case of the Sickness, or other Disability,
of one Inspector, that the other may by himself, and he is hereby
authorized and impowered to do and execute all the Powers and
Authorities, which by the said Act the two Inspectors together
might do, as fully to all Intents and Purposes as if they were both
present. Provided, That if any Inspector should not be really sick,
but under Pretence thereof absent himself from the Warehouse he
ought to attend, and from the doing his Duty there, he shall forfeit
and pay, for every Day he so absents himself, the Sum of forty
Shillings Current Money, to be recovered before a single Magis-
trate as in case of small Debts; one half thereof to the Use of the
Informer, and the other to the several and respective Counties, to
defray the Expence that hath or may accrue in the due Execution
of the first recited Act. And also Provided, That the Inspector so
acting alone, shall be answerable for all and every the Hogsheads
or Parcels of Tobacco so by him inspected and passed; and that his