of Huddles Right and Rushmore according to the Agreements
aforesaid on payment to the said James Sterling of the Considera-
tion Money due Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his
Lordships Governor and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly and the Authority of the same That it shall and may be Law full
to and for the Reverend Mr James Sterling and he is by this Act
empowered on payment to him of the Consideration Money now
unpaid to make and Execute one or more Deed or Deeds of Con-
veyance for the perfect Conveying and Assuring in the Law of the
aforesaid Tract of Land called Huddles Right lying in Kent County
aforesaid by way of Deed of Bargain and Sale Between him the
said James Sterling of the one part and the aforesaid John Wal-
tham now an Infant Heir at Law of the aforesaid John Waltham
deceased of the other part And be it also Enacted by and with the
Authority Advice and Consent aforesaid That it shall and may be
Law full to and for the said James Sterling and he is by this Act
empowered on Payment to him of the Consideration Money agreed
and Contracted for to make and Execute one or more Deed or Deeds
of Conveyance for the perfect Conveying and Assuring in the Law
of the aforesaid Tract of Land called Rushmore lying in Kent
County aforesaid by way of Deed of Bargain and Sale Between him
the said James Sterling of the one part and the aforesaid Thomas
Ayres of the other part And be it further Enacted by the Authority
Advice and Consent aforesaid that when and so soon as the said
James Sterling shall have Sealed and Delivered a Deed of Convey-
ance for the aforesaid Tract of Land called Huddle's Right to the
aforesaid John Waltham Heir at Law of the aforesaid John Wal-
tham deceased and shall have duly Acknowledged the same and the
same shall be duly Recorded in the Provincial or Kent County
Records that the said John Waltham shall be by the said Deed and
by Virtue of this Act Vested with as Pure and absolute Estate in
the said Tract of Land called Huddle's Right lying in Kent County
aforesaid as if the same Rebecca and the said James Sterling had
Conveyed the same to him the said John Waltham by Deed or Deeds
of Conveyance (and the same had been Acknowledged and Re-
corded) in due form of Law to all Intents Constructions and Pur-
poses whatsoever, any Law Statute Usage or Custom to the Con-
trary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding And be it further En-
acted by the Authority Advice and Consent aforesaid That when
and su soon as t.he said James Sterling shall have Sealed and De-
livered a Deed of Conveyance for the aforesaid Tract of Land called
Rushmore to the aforesaid Thomas Ayres and shall have duly Ac-
knowledged the same and the same shall be duly Recorded in the
Provincial or Kent County Records That he the said Thomas Ayres
shall be by the said Deed and by Virtue of this Act Vested with as