454 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
[No old
Tobacco to
be exported
after May
21, 1750,
to an
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That from and after the twenty-first Day of
May, One thousand seven hundred and fifty, it shall not be lawful
for any Person or Persons, under any Pretence whatsoever, to ex-
port or ship off, under the Denomination of old Tobacco, or Tobacco
made before the first Day of December, One thousand seven hun-
dred and forty-seven, unless the Proprietor thereof shall bring or
cause to be brought the said Tobacco, in Hogshead or Hogsheads,
to some Inspection-House; and when the same is so brought, deliver
the same to the said Inspectors, and then and there the Proprietor,
or some other credible Person, take the following Oath (or Affirma-
tion if a Quaker); I A. B. do swear (or if a Quaker affirm), that
all the Tobacco now within this Hogshead (expressing the Mark
and Number of each Hogshead) was really and bona fide made
before the first Day of December, One thousand seven hundred and
forty-seven: Which Oath or Affirmation the said Inspectors shall,
and they are hereby authorized, impowered, and required, to admin-
ister to the Person or Persons bringing the said Tobacco, such Per-
son writing, or causing the same to be wrote; and the said Inspec-
tors are hereby required to return all and every the said Oaths or
Affirmations to the next November County Court, to be held for
the County where the said Inspection-House shall be.
required to
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the Inspectors of the several and respective Ware-
houses within this Province shall, and they are hereby required, to
receive the said Tobacco, and stow it away 'til the same shall be sent
for to be shipped, and then deliver the same, with a Certificate certi-
fying the same to have been old Tobacco, and proved such according
to the Directions of this Act; for doing all which, the Inspectors, as
by this Act enjoined to do, they shall receive from the Proprietor
or Proprietors of such Tobacco One Shilling Current Money for
each Hogshead to their own Use; and from the Person taking such
Tobacco away, one Shilling for each Hogshead, for the Use of the
Proprietor of the said Warehouse.
[Penalty on
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person or Persons shall swear or affirm falsely, of and concerning
all or any Tobacco so by such Person carried to any Warehouse in
Pursuance of this Act, such Person so swearing or affirming, being
lawfully convict thereof, shall forfeit and suffer all the Pains and
Penalties of wilful and corrupt Perjury.
p. 488
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every
Master, Mate, or Boatswain of any Ship or other Vessel, who shall
take on board, or cause, permit, or suffer to be taken on board his